mohannad barakat is into fishing

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Mohannad Barakat loves to go fishing as for him it a great way to de-stress. He is fond of fishing since his childhood as he and his father would plan frequent fishing trips down the river. Although as a surgeon it is somewhat a unique thing but he loves this hobby and enjoys every bit of it. He catches a lot of fish, but his favorite is the sword fish, which he caught just once.

For him fishing brings back memories of his childhood and of the times he spent with his dad. He says fishing is a practice that requires precision and accuracy. It cannot be learned overnight hence one has to practice and buy good fishing gear to make most of the fishing trip. Mr. Barkat talks about his favorite swordfish that are hunted during the night time, and are found in areas where they get plenty of other fish to eat. He has done many fishing ventures at night, but has not been successful in catching this mighty fish. He has been lucky with marlin, mackerel and others but is still hunting for this majestic one.

In addition to fishing, Mohannad Barakat is also fond of diving and snorkeling. He has been to many places for diving, and loves how beautiful marine life is. The Sea of Cortez and Bega in Fiji are some of his favorite places that he would advice for diving. Bega is also known as the worlds soft coral capital it is a place that is full of colorful corals, sponges, clown fish, and various species of shark.

Mohannad Barakat says that someone with a passion for diving should not miss the SS Yongala Wreck in Australia, which is home to an amazing array of marine life as barracuda, giant trevally turtles, sea snakes, and if one is lucky they may spot the rare bull-shark and the mighty tiger shark. These are some of the truly beautiful dive sites that he has been to with still many left to be explored by him. He loves planning fishing trips or going for diving to various places as these are a good way to refresh one from the work routine. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2014 ⏰

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