Chapter 1

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Danny let out a pained groan as he tried to readjust his body. This wasn't anything new of course, for the past year this is how it's been. Danny grunted as he felt a not so pleasant stab to his side. Sitting up to the best of his abilities he moved a hand to his side. Pushing down slightly he could feel one of his ribs poking his side. Danny panted as his healing abilities start to kick in. He was a shade lighter than pale, his eyes dull radioactive green eyes staring up pointlessly at the cell ceiling. They began to flutter closed as his panting subsided and was just labored breathing.

Danny stared up from the edge of the circus ring, this wasn't a new sight to him. This was a reoccurring memory turned nightmare. Two people, male and female where flying across the distance, flips and tricks coming to them as naturally as breathing. Acrobats.

The female jumped to reach for her husband, there was a snap and the male began to fall, the woman following as well. They fell and fell, in that moment everything went in slow motion as they fell with sickening cracks and thuds.

The images twisted and contorted into a green landscape. Trees and tall stones being its only decoration. Two large, black caskets where lowered into the grave site, right next to each other.

Danny felt a grip on his hand tighten and he looked up with dried eyes at a familiar boy. Sapphire eyes filled with tears. The older boy looked down into Danny's own melancholy eyes and his lips moved but nothing came out.

The scene changed again, contorting into different colors and shapes. The home and family he grew up with, the Fenton's. They were all sitting at the dining room table, eating one of the rare foods that didn't try to eat them back. Danny however was in his room, upstairs trying to finish his English homework due the next morning.

He looked up from his homework when he heard the unmistakable voice of his mother, Madeline Fenton. She was talking with someone, who Danny couldn't remember the voice. That's when the shouting started. His father joining in, in what sounded like an argument with whoever was at the door. Danny pushed himself off his space themed bedding and was about to open the door when three loud bangs, of what sounded like gun shots, rang throughout the house.

Danny slammed the door open and rushed only to be met with a gruesome sight. Three bodies laid on his living room floor, eyes lifeless. As if it where whispered in his ear.

'It's not your fault little brother.'

'We're proud of you son.'

'We love you Danny.'

He heard clattering as men started to file into his room and surround him. It all sounded as if he where drowning, the most auditable thing he heard being the echoing ring in his ears. He barley felt it when the agents latched onto him with a vice grip, leaving large hand print bruises later. He was snapped back into reality as he was jerked, like water clearing he started shouted curses and screamed death threats. Instinctively changing into his ghost form, he began to fire but it was all in vain. They quickly over powered him and dragged him out towards the white van.

The memory contorted to a white wall, Danny couldn't move and he felt all the wires connected to him. He didn't exist anymore.

Danny woke up to the familiar sound of heavy doors opened and footsteps approaching him. He was far too dazed to really care what was happening to him, but out of habit, fear still evident. Only one thought on his mind.

'Who is that boy?'

Danny was pushed forward into a new room, it was just a white as the others, but taller. He looked up and noticed a window, it was rectangular and he could see the agents behind it, most likely at a control panel of some kind. Danny pushed himself up with a groan and scratched the dried blood off the corner of his mouth.

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