Questions? Ask Here Now!!!

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Ask your questions by commenting here and Beatnix or myself will reply soon. Thanks our little halfas!

What happened to make Danny part wolf and more importantly what is he now?- Nukegator

Answer- He is not part wolf for starters. When Danny came in contact with the blood blossoms, they unleashed some kind of beast mode inside him. Think of it as a last resort kind of thing. The new form is somewhat resistant to the blood blossoms but they can still cause lots of pain since yes they are ghost repellent. So to sum it all up, Danny is a ghost beast. But just as a tiny spoiler, he does have one thing in common with a werewolf but it takes place at a different time.

Would that also work for ecto-ranium as it dose for blood blossoms? Or are you going to ditch the ecto-ranium?- Clawsthewolf

Answer- No ectoranium is still extremely deadly to all ghosts including Danny. The blood blossoms are a barrier that inflict pain but ectoranium is poison to ghosts. Basically it's the kryptonite to any and every ghost. Blood blossoms are effective just not as powerful in Danny's beast form.

How long are you planning on making this book?- YSKdragon

Answer- That, we don't actually know. Let's just say we're gonna write the story until we get to the planned ending. I can promise it will be at least twenty chapters or more if I had to give a rough guess.

Are you going to suppress Danny's powers- Kihyun_Girl

Answer- No his powers will remain the same in strength when he's in his normal ghost form but will increase when in his beast form...scratch that.

Re-Answering- Actually yes, he will have a second form THAT'S ALL I'M SAYING!

Can you give us any hints as to what's going to happen next????- eambriz2005


Will any of the other ghosts like Clockwork, Wulf, Cujo, Frostbite, (IM THE BOX GHOST!!! [ -.-"] no not you box ghost...) be making an entrance in your book?- Clawsthewolf

Answer- Simple. Yes

When will you update again? This book is really good and I really want to know what happens next!😄- Kristinkarla1

Answer- Soon.

"Why didn't Batman know of ectoplasm? And don't they have a data bass for all reported hero's (as in documents made by public eyes that they store for reasons) so how can they not know who phantom is?
And what happened to Danny's human blood/DNA?

Sorry for all the questions I'm just liking your book a lot :,3- Clawsthewolf

Answer- Batman has never encountered a ghost or halfa so he wouldn't believe in the supernatural. Second, Danny was a hero for two years before the GIW captured him. They erased all traces of him and his alter ego. I'll discuss this part more with Beatnix cause you my friend have officially stumped me.
I hope your happy. You monster.
And lastly, when Danny is in human form, he has human blood with some ectoplasm mixed in, when in ghost form his blood becomes all ectoplasm. That's all.

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