The Question

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The mane 6 were having a picnic after a long week of work.

Twilight had be given new books to read by Princess Celestia and had spent the entire week reading and doing reports for the princess about each book she read.

Rainbow Dash was in weather patrol all week since most of her weather team had caught the feather flu she had to manage the entire weather all on her own which should've been easy, but was a lot harder if you had to prevent a hurricane from destroying the town.

Pinkie had to go all the way to Fillydelphia to throw a party for somepony who was turning 100. She had given her a scrapbook filled with pictures of the key moments in her life given by her family.

Fluttershy had to go meet Treehugger who had discovered a rare Griffin with a pony's behind. His name was Silver Quill and apparently he was a "Hippogriff" which was confusing because he didn't look like a hippo at all.

Rarity had been finishing her orders for Sapphire Shores and Rara. It was a lot harder to complete with the Crusaders' sleepover and their need to constantly make noise which kept disturbing Rarity.

Applejack had gone to Appleloosa to help with their harvest since they had been having a rise of popularity.

Needless to say these girls deserved a break from work and saving the world every other day.

"Hey gals can I ask a totally random question? " Applejack asked

"Sure Applejack I love random questions!" Pinkie perked.

"Heh ok, but you all have to answer. Ok?" Applejack said to the others.

"Ok AJ now tell us!" Pinkie said impatiently

"Ok sheesh! If you were to date somepony from the six of us who would you want to date and why?" Applejack asked nervously.

"Hmmm well I never thought of that since I've always pictured myself with a prince but since that went so well I suppose if I ever had to date somepony from all of us then it'd be you Applejack. " Rarity answered

"Applejack?!" Rainbow exclaimed

"Hey! What's that suppose to mean Rainbow?!" Applejack retorted

"Awww" Fluttershy and Pinkie cooed

"Applejack?!" Rainbow exclaimed

"That's unexpected, but I guess it kinda makes sense." Twilight said pondering what it would be like if the two were together.

"Applejack?!" Rainbow exclaimed

"Ok we get it your shocked!" Applejack said crossing her hooves

"Applejack?!" Rainbow exclaimed

"Ima hit ya with my banjo if you don't stop!" Applejack said standing up.


"That's better." Applejack said sitting back down.

"First if all, yes Rainbow I do mean Applejack and second of all I would want to be with her because she likes working hard and is an admirable big sister. She hates letting ponies down and even though we may fight a lot she has a way of making me love her down to earth style. Despite the fact I would never consider it for myself.

Most importantly she accepts me for who I am, even though she how I act she never wants me to change who I am for somepony else. And honestly if I could I would love to be with her. "Rarity replied looking away from Applejack as she said her final sentence.

Applejack tried hard to hide her blush but failed and got a giggle from the rest of them.

"Oooh is somepony blushing?" Pinkie teased leaning towards Applejack, who in response just pulled her hat down to cover her face.

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