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I woke up an hour before dawn. I got up and, even thought there was an outfit laid out, picked out my own not so "girly" outfit. My mother set out a pink jump suit for me. What I chose was black pants and shirt with a camouflage jacket. I picked up the diary again, I tucked it into my backpack.

"Why aren't you wearing the jumpsuit?" Mother asks as I'm coming down the stairs. "Because, I'll be spotted easily." I say still walking. I didn't want to hurt her feelings it was just that I wasn't in a good mood. I kept walking, not talking to anyone. I walked to the stable where Buttercup was. "Hey bud." I say petting his mane. I mount him and take m bow off my back. Mother waves from the window, "Good luck! I know you won't let us down." She says. I nod but keep riding. My soldiers are lined up a few feet away. I ride up to them and face them. They all bow. "No," I say, "Today you will treat me as your captain, not as your princess." I finish. They all stand up straight and nod. "Come." I say leading the way to someone's death.

We rode until we got to the meeting place. We waited. The other kingdom's soldiers lined up a few hundred yards away. "Fight!" Their captain yells. The war has begun. Knifes, swords, guns, arrows, blood, bodies, death. It was every where. You couldn't escape it. No matter where you looked someone was dead or dying. I was terrified. What do I do? I think. Someone is rigging towards me on a horse. They have an arrow and shoot it at Buttercup. He squeals and falls to the ground. I pulled an arrow out and shot him right in the heart. "Bullseye." I say. I rush to Buttercup's side. There is blood, and a lot of it. It didn't hit his heart but it was close. I grab the roll of bandages from my backpack and bandage up his chest. Then with all my strength I pull him over behind a rock. "Stay here!" I say.

Someone snuck up behind me and shot an arrow. I ducked before it could hit me. Instead it hit someone coming towards me, someone on there side. I quickly pulled an arrow out and shot it at him. I heard someone scream, "HELP!" I ran over to the soldier that seemed to be dying. It was someone on my side. I fell to the ground and held their hand. It was a woman. She looked up at the sky and held my hand. Then she died, right there in my arms. I heard someone walk up behind and I pulled an arrow and shot. "Another bullseye." I say. I grabbed the dead woman's sword and decided I was going to have two weapons.

It was two days of this. More and more people injured. More and more people killed. More and more people dead. We set up camp each night and cared for the wounded, but we couldn't save most of them. They died in the night. After about a day there was so much ash in the air my hair looks black instead of its usual color. I also acquired a gun to use. After three days there were only four people left. Me and three other people on the opposite side. I didn't sleep. I didn't even see them for about a day.

I ran into two of them at the same time. I was cornered, but I still had the sword. I didn't dare use the bow and arrow, if I did I would be dead before I could shoot either of them. I stabbed one with no problem but the other put up a fight. We sword fought, like how you would see in movies. It was crazy. Just as he was about to stab me, I ducked, rolled, and stabbed him. He dies almost instantly. Then all the sudden the last one came out. We didn't talk, just eyed each other down. Then we fought. We moved around. We kept it up for twenty minutes. Then I switched weapons. Back to my bow. In one shot I hit him in his chest. "Bullseye!!" I yelled. I thought I wasn't hurt, I mean other than a few cuts and bruises, but nothing major. Then I saw the cut on my leg. It was bleeding really really bad. "Buttercup!!" I yelled. I'm struggling to stand up, let alone walk. I was in so much pain, but I had to find Buttercup. I kept walking but only to fall on my face. By then I was crawling across the ground.

Then I saw a rock that had a horse behind it. "Buttercup" I can barely say. I was loosing to much blood, I was feeling dizzy. When I was on top of Buttercup the world fell black.

"Huh?" I say sitting up. "Emily!" Says my mother. "Mother!" I say sitting up. "What happened?" I asked. "You are in the castle's hospital. You will live, but that gash in your leg is pretty deep. Almost bone deep." Mother says. "Buttercup!! What happened to Buttercup?" I say panicked. "He's alright. He is in the pet hospital. He too will live." Mother says. "Oh ok, good." I say relieved. "Wait! What about the war?" I say as the thoughts come back to me. "Emily...we won. We won the war because of you!" My mother says.

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