57 - Johnson and Kylie

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Messages between Johnson and Kylie

Johnson🔥🤘: How you feel boo?😏

Kylie👑😇: I don't know. I can't feel anything.

Johnson🔥🤘: I'm so sorry Kylie😣

Kylie👑😇: It's not your fault J💖

Kylie👑😇: The most fucked up is I don't want him to leave her for me. No matter how much I love him and how much it hurts that he's with her. He's doing way better then he ever could with me.

Johnson🔥🤘: Don't say that. You have the most pretty soul I ever seen. You're amazing person and I can't understand why he's with her, when he can has you. You're really the most amazing person on this world I know💖❤️

Kylie👑😇: I fucking love you😭❤️ You just destroyed my makeup because you made me cry😭💖

Q: Kardashians or Jenners?
A: Jenners💞

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