122 - Group Chat

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JJ🎶 - What's upp!

KingKylie👌 - Hiii

Jeezlinsky👌 - Hey

BabyStass👶🏻 - Hii

Sammy🙏🏻 - What you need?

JJ🎶 - You ruined it...

Kendoll💄 - What's wrong with you Sammy?🤔

JJ🎶 - What's happening between you and Jack, Kylie?

KingKylie👑 - We're friends :)

Kendoll💄 - I thought you can't lie🤔

BabyStassie👶🏻 - Yeah lie to yourself sis

Jeezlinsky👌 - Guys chill. We're just best friends.

JJ🎶 - K

Kendoll💄 - Hmmmm

BabyStass👶🏻 - Well k

KingKylie👑 -

KingKylie👑 -

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