Untitled Part 4

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Later that evening I was busy attending to the house staff and making sure everyone one was doing their job till it was time to call in. Everyone else was busy celebrating in the foyer and planning a baby shower. Being an aid was more than just a job, it has allowed me so many privileges and the ability to meet so many people but most importantly, to further the bond between the two families. Personally I didn't mind being around the sisters but sometimes I liked to just have a moment to myself.

"Rene," a quiet voice says as if not to scare me, turning around it was none other then Elizabeth. I smooth down my dress and fix my hair before bowing my head.

"How may I assist you Mrs. Darcy?"

"Rene I've old you many times you don't have to be so formal were family not strangers,"

"My apologies, I forget." I look up rubbing my arm and wait for her to continue.

"Are you busy?" She asks looking around but I put down my checklist on the counter and turn around.

"Not for you Liz,"

"Why don't we take a walk in the garden." She holds the door open and I walk through mumbling a quick thank you and we make our way outside.

The night air was cool against my skin, the moon was to be seen and full and it was quiet. Too quiet. The property was well guarded but silence was a deadly thing. We walked on for a bit just taking in the scenery before she broke the silence.

"I talked to my parents before approaching you with my request and since I'm here with you, they agreed and now I just hope you agree as well."

"what is it Liz?"

"I know that your signed under my parents family name but since there are no males to carry the Bennet name there's no need for you to serve them, so with the consent of my parents and before my sisters could think of the idea."

"If it's what your asking?"

"I want you to be the aid to the Darcy name for now on and take care of my child when My husband and I aren't around. That would put you fully in charge of my children." I didn't say anything at first I was trying to comprehend what she was saying and when that fully registered, of course I couldn't refuse the offer.

"I accept your offer and might I add I'm quite overjoyed you asked me, are you sure it's alright?"

"Oh I'm so happy, and my parents are well sure that the change will be good. Besides Mr. Darcy suggested the idea." She pulled me into a hug and laughed, hugging her back I pull away confused.

"Your husband wanted me to aid you and his children?"

"Yes and it was indeed a excellent idea, I can't believe I didn't think of this in the first place. Come along Rene I can't wait to announce it to everyone." She took off back inside leaving me in the garden. Mr. Darcy wanted me to be the aid.

As far as I could remember my family has served the Bennet's for many generations. But since this generation was of all girls, it was about time I served the next family that related to the Bennet's. I couldn't help but smile and walk back to the foyer.

A strange person he was Fitzwilliam Darcy, he was a man of few words. We were certainly never close, practically strangers even as him and Elizabeth have developed a relationship. But as of since the wedding he has seemed to acknowledge me more, which I greatly appreciate.

"Ah there you are Rene, I was just telling everyone the good news." I enter the room and nod my greeting to everyone.

"I see she has agreed to the matter," Mr. Darcy stands beside his wife and stares at me with his stoic expression.

"Well it certainly wasn't a hard decision." I smile but keep my composure, Liz and I always had a more stronger bond than the rest of the sisters. So there was no doubt I would gladly be an aid to her.

"I'm afraid I have some prior engagements that I need to attend to in the morning, so if you excuse me I will retire to my room now." I bow before exiting the foyer.

Elizabeth Darcy's Pov

"Do you think she'll be happy with us?" I ask sitting down by my vanity.

I begin taking out my hair from its up do and reaching for a brush. Watching in the mirror, Darcy walks behind me and takes the brush from me and begins gently brushing my hair.

"I don't see why not, it was her decision,"

"Yes but I don't want it to seem like I was pushing her to do so."

"If she didn't think she was to find happiness with us she wouldn't have taken the offer my dear." He places the brush down and takes my hand standing me up.

"Rene has always been there for us, and to think of it she's has never really interacted with any possible suitors."


"Yes, maybe one day she'll find someone to marry and carry on the Michaelson name."

"Well my dear until that day comes let's just focus on us now and our future." He looks into my eyes and then tips my chin up and gently places a kiss upon my lips.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2017 ⏰

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