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"I suppose your pleased Mrs. Bennet?" I ask looking over at the newlyweded couples, both couple showing rather equal amounts of pure love and happiness.

"Pleased more like relieved in the most extreme matter Renesmee." Mrs Bennet smiled at me and nodded in approval.

"Oh what a wonderful thing to be in love, my dear have you ever?" She asked glancing at me.

"In love? Maybe one day but certainly not now, I'm certainly too busy,"

"With what dear, looking after the girls their just a few years younger than you and the way I see it. They are more than capable of taking care of themselves." Mr. Bennet says standing next to me placing a hand on my shoulder.

Looking back at couples walking towards the gate they suddenly stopped and gazed out to the front. God help us all, a huge horde of zombies were rushing our way lead by the undead Mr.Whickham. He was riding a horse and frailing his amputated arm which was replaced with some sort of makeshift weapon.

"Mrs.Bennet?!" I yelled and she looked at me with a raised eyebrow but slowly followed my gaze toward the gates and horror slowly took over.

"Take her inside Rene," Mr. Bennet says moving towards the guards.

"My word," She whispered almost looking faint I held her up and began guiding her inside along with the other guests who were rushing trying to get to safety.

Once we were inside I guided her to the foyer, guards were everywhere boarding up the place and readying the defences. Taking her by the hand I guided her to a chair with chaos all around us. Kneeling beside her still grasping her head she looked down at me with worry.

"Where's my husband?My daughters,"

"Mr. Bennet may be trying to help deal with the horde and as for your daughters their alright, their in good hands. Now I must do my duty and help protect your family." I say to her reassuringly standing up turning to leave but she grabbed my skirt.

"Your parents would be so proud of you if they saw how much you've grown as a lady and warrior. When your parents died I took it upon myself to make sure you still had a family and love around you. Never take it for granted that even though you serve us I've always thought of you as one of my daughters." Her words were moving, I could feel tears coming on but I quickly blinked them away.

Nodding my head I bowed to her and turned tying my hair up in a bun and grabbing a pistol and some throwing knifes tucking them under my dress and snatching a sword off of a passing soldier. Since the stairs were still released I quickly ran down and ran over to the likes of the Bingley's and the Darcy's. Kit,Lydia and Mary were standing beside them wielding their weapons.

"I don't suppose you gave them an invitation did you now?" I say jokingly and the others all look at me and smirk.

"You don't suppose Mr.Wickham is here to congrats us on our wedding dear sister?" Jane asks checking her pistol.

"I hardly doubt it."

"Glad your here Rene, we always could count on you." Lydia says and I smile.

"It's my duty Lydia, look here they come."

"There must be hundreds," Mr. Bingley says stating the obvious.

"I guess that answers my thought of how the canal was holding." Lizzie says and looks at her husband before pecking his lips and rushing forward. Without a second though he follows.

"Here we go." I whip out my gun along with the three sisters and begin picking of those closest to us.  I looked over my shoulder and saw the guards rushing out to help us.

"Keep an eye on them ladies but don't get distracted." They nod and begin shooting the undead once more.

Once our ammo had run out we began using our throwing knifes and swords. With every slice and dice of my sword the undead began to fall for good. The battle went on for hours, when it was over may soldiers were dead but those who lived celebrated the victory.

"You alright Rene?" Lizzie walked over from me after talking to Mr. Darcy.

"Just out of breathe and a bit winded, say Lizzie what happened to Mr. Wickham?"

"I'm afraid he got away," Mr. Darcy states standing by Lizzie giving me a grim expression.

"This isn't the last time we see him isn't it?"

"I'm afraid not," Mr. Bingley says approaching us with Jane at his side.

"The canal must have gave out," Lizzie says.

"Indeed about that, my love I must go visit the matter, Mr. Bingley." Mr. Darcy kisses Elizabeth and nods towards Mr. Bingley.

"The honey moon must wait my dear, once we settle the matter then," Mr. Bingley says to Jane who was totally understanding.

We exchange goodbyes and they bow and I bow back in respect and see them off. I lead the sisters back into Lady Catherine Estate and we were greeted by the guest who applauded us.

"Well done ladies, but I believe you failed to exterminate the true cause." Lady Catherine states walking up to us. Mr. Bennet steps up to defend us but I beat her to it.

"Lady Catherine please excuse my words but we certainly saved everyone here, including you."

"Rene--" Mrs. Bennet says her voice with shock, lady Catherine holds up her hand silencing her.

"Things may have quiet down now, but just wait." That was all she said  before just turning her attention away from us.

I bit down on my tongue to stop any bitter words from flowing from my mouth. Kit places a hand on my shoulder but I just place my hands together and bow my head.

"Please everyone let's just celebrate our small victory and not forget the real reason why we're here." I bow towards the sisters and turn leaving the hall.

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