Chapter 1: Forgotten

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POV: Clark Miura

      A book stained in dried blood fell to the ground and opened to a page that read "It's obvious that we live in a world... a world of forgotten and the damned... it's obvious that everything is either illegal, expensive, immoral, or other wise impossible. 'It's an evident truth that nothing is forgotten yet goes unremembered' these are the words of the fallen" Clark Miura looked over at where the book had fallen. (Any time there is bold in parentheses it'll be estimulated with author notes...and italic will be thoughts.)
"Strange I've never seen this book here before..." he thought as he picked up the book flipping through the pages. Finally he stopped on a page with an old black and white photo (Above 🔼) the caption below read "Alexander Miura 1800-1934" reading this caption Clark got more confused. What was his great-great-great-great grandfather doing in this book? He flipped back to the first page had his great-great-great-great grandfather been one of the "fallen"?If so then he had kept it well hidden from the rest of the family.
  Clark started to flip through more when an old note somehow addressed to him fell out of the book it read "Dear, Clark
By the time you see this I'll have been long dead. I'm afraid that you're seeing this because you read the book. You are no longer safe... and you must leave. They now know your location and are coming for you. You may be wondering how I have gotten this too you and Joan will explain once you get to where you need to be. You will not need to worry about Joan for he was an old acquaintance of mine. More info will be given later on.
Alexander Miura"
Who was they? And exactly why were they after Clark? (Well sorry for the short chapter... this is the best I can do at the moment I hope you all enjoyed)

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