Me? Lost? Ahahaha... I'm sorry.

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I was scolded for a full half hour after I got back to the shop. Arswen had already gone home by himself, so Toen had to guide me from the school back to Cleimeph. He had left me outside the door with another bow and sincere thanks.

I had gone into the shop, only to be faced with a very displeased Arsral. He had demanded an explanation for why an errand that should have taken half an hour at the most had instead taken two whole hours more, and I had sheepishly given him one.

"So what you're saying is," Arsral said, pinching the bridge of his nose, "is that somehow, impossibly, you managed to stray completely off the main road and get lost in the back streets, and end up on the other side of town, unintentionally."

"Uh... yes?" I laughed nervously.

"Amazing. Absolutely amazing. You weren't kidding when you said you had a terrible sense of direction. How did you survive back in your own world?"

"I just didn't go out of the house by myself unless I absolutely had to...?"

"Alright," Arsral straightened up from where he had switched to massaging his temples and pointed accusingly at me. "Alright. We can't have you somehow ending up in the dungeon as soon as you so much as set one foot outside the store."

Ignoring my mutter of 'I'm not that bad', he announced, "So from now on, when there's an errand to run, you'll go with Arswen." Then, in a mutter to the side: "You're long overdue for a tour of the town anyway."

So that led to where I found myself now. A few days after the incident, wandering around aimlessly because I'd dodged a guy carrying three crates of vegetables and all of a sudden found myself clueless as to the whereabouts of a certain red headed brat.


Half groaning, half screaming in my mind, I kicked a few rocks forward as I walked.

I should have held his hand. Or held onto the back of his shirt. Or wrapped a string around his waist. Whatever. Goddamniiiiiit, why does this always happen to me?

I found another rock and added it to the growing collection of rocks. People were probably giving me weird looks, wondering why for every step I took, half a dozen rocks were being kicked forward as well.

One of the rocks bounced off another and to the side, making me have to take a few extra steps to retrieve it. It had ended up against another pale rock, which I added to the six rocks I already had. I resumed walking and kicking them along.

I was so engrossed in making sure not one rock was lost as I walked, that when I collided with someone, I collided hard with a squawk of surprise and nearly fell over.


The person I'd crashed into was built like a bear on steroids and nearly as hairy as one. When he turned, I saw his maroon shirt was half open, giving me full view of the mass of light blue hair sprouting from his chest, and the sleeves were rolled up, showing off his beefy arms, also covered in a ridiculous amount of blue hair. He carried both a giant broadsword and a bow and quiver on his back. I thought it was a bit strange, but hey, I can't exactly criticise someone else's style of fighting when I can't even do it myself.

"Oh dear, are you alright?"

The man reached out a hand to steady me as I stumbled back a few steps. Noticing the rocks I had collected on my way still closely gathered, I discreetly used a foot to sweep them to the side when his eyes were focused on my face as I apologized.

Despite not being a Hero, Saint, or even a Demon King, I was summonedWhere stories live. Discover now