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        Have you ever felt that your life will end where you were born cause that's how Anne-Maria felt when she was going for her report card. This card will determine whether she would able to travel to England to study. All her life she dreamt in going to big places and swing big people. She was the only child of her patent but still they couldn't take very good care of her. Her parent discouraged her of her being in school. The mother forced her to the club but she rejected cause deep in her 💜heart she knew she was destined to be a prominent person. "Anne-Maria "the receptionist called out her name. I want you to fill out your forms and go for your report from the other guy at the far end of counter she continued. The receptionist was known as miss Flora,she was beautiful and was in charge of the placement of girls into schools abroad. THANKYOU was all Anne-Maria could say before filling the forms. Walking to the far end of the counter she begun to say a little prayer. She reached and stood there still nervous. The man at the counter got annoyed and snapped at her Anne-Maria then gave him her forms and the man printed out her results. Oh my she said. Was this her results.she started jumping and shouting. She indeed made it A in all subjects and she got the chance to study in U.S.A. she was so happy she forgot about her anxiety. She took a cab and went home."surprise "she said as she entered her small family house. Did you make it. Her family asked. Yes I made it she said as she hugged them. Even though her family discouraged her they were there to share their happiness with her. That might they enjoyed themselves eating and talking."so when are you going"incl Spencer asked. Tommorow the whole family shouted. Well tommorow is so soon cause the haven't prepared anything. Anne-Maria told them not to worry cause they promised to give anything she asked for including clothes and food. That night Anne-Maria told her self she would never forget this day.
     The next day the whole family rushed to go see Anne-Maria off. At the airport they said their good byes and even ate tacos with them. They left the airport as soon as TH plane✈ reached high above the sky. They were really sad and happy at the same time.
     In the plane ✈Anne-Maria noticed she was the only teen. She prayed silently and fell asleep 😴through the whole journey. All boarders please get down the plane as we go for our check up and please Anne-Maria Lopez please remain on board till further notice. Anne-Maria looke around but did not find anyone talking. Soon the plane was empty and a certain white lady with two gentlemen came close to her."so you must be Anne-Maria,my name is Lily Stone and this here is my husband Jeffrey Stone and our partner James Jackson."the lady said. "Nice to meet you and I also guess you are the administrator who brought me here thankyou "Anne -Maria said. They nodded their heads and sent Maria to their 🚘car. Mr stone drove them to a big mansion fill red with flowers. They told Maria she was going to live here with Mr and Mrs stone. They went inside and showed Maria her room.

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