Chapter 13.

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"Are you okay?" My eyes snap to Candice from their stoic position out the window.

I blink a few times to get rid of the sudden dryness and nod. "Yeah, I'm fine."

Braylee looks over at Candice, her spoon hanging out of her mouth. The way they look at each other shows that they do not believe me, but what's new? Friends like the ones I have will notice the littlest of things, including my sudden silent attitude since yesterday morning.

"Come on, Nina," Braylee rolls her eyes and stabs her spoon back into her frozen yogurt. "Do you think we're dumb?"

I don't say anything, I just don't want to talk about what they want to know which is crazy because these are my best friends. We tell each other everything from the last time we shaved our legs to how heavy our last periods were and what gross things we experienced during them. This should be no problem compared to that, yet every time I think about confiding in them, I get choked up.

"Is it because you're not with Eric right now?" Candice asks and I stare at her as if she's insane. "Because I know we kind of forced you to come with us-"

"No, no," I shake my head, almost appalled and whisper - mostly to myself - "I'd rather be here anyway."

"Then what's going on?" Bray throws her hands in the air. "You've been acting weird for the longest time and I'm about to beat up Eric because I know it has something to do with him."

I take in a deep breath. "So either you tell us willingly, or I'm kicking that little weasels ass."

"Since when do you have such a distaste for Eric?" Just saying his name makes my eyes sting.

"Since I started blaming him for your sudden mood change." I sigh. "So tell us."

I contemplate it for a minute, even though they really aren't giving me an option. The problem with giving them the information I've been keeping to myself is that I'm scared they're going to side with me. That they will do everything they can to bash on Eric. I don't even know if what I'm about to say will make sense to them.

"Okay," I huff out a breath and look up to them. "First I'm going to ask you this, though."

They both motion for me to continue.

"Have you noticed a change in Eric since Jace has arrived?" I'm scared at what they'll say.

They're silent for a while until Candice speaks carefully. "I mean, kind of, we thought it was just us."

I groan and bury my face in my folded arms. How many more people have noticed the change and for how long?

"Nina, what's wrong?" Braylee soothes.

I lift my head. "I didn't want to admit it to myself, because I thought it was just me being paranoid and prejudice of Jace."

They're waiting, angst shines in their wide eyes, begging for more details.

"We've always had a clear understanding on what our rules were, on what our religion is," I speak. "But lately he seems careless about what he says. Sex included. I don't know if it has to do with Jace or just him and I growing apart."

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