Chapter 32.

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Honestly mind the song, I love titanic and this song popped out to me. Don't listen to it if you don't like it. Just a suggestion :) otherwise enjoy the chapter

"Eric!" I scream, stepping in front of him so he can't get to Jace.

"My girlfriend? You fucking bastard!" Eric shouts at the man behind me and I flinch. I still can't believe this is happening. I can't believe my brother did this to me. My own flesh and blood, someone whose supposed to be on my side no matter what, betrayed me. "You're messing around with my girlfriend? Out of all the other girls in the school! What the fuck?"

I go to say something about how it was him first when Jace cuts me off completely.

"Think about why that is, Eric," he growls. "What did you do for, Nina? Kiss her on the cheek? Give her a side hug? I gave her so much more than you did, and even then you could never compare."

Eric is fuming, shaking as Jace speaks while I stand stunned at what he just said. He's insinuating what we did - boasting about it which makes me feel highly uncomfortable. Eric doesn't need to know any of this.

"What'd you do, huh?" Eric shoves Jace, but the man doesn't do anything in return. He's glaring, but maybe he knows Eric won't do any harm. That's how I feel. "What did you tell her to make her do this?"

"Have fun," Caleb snickers and walks out of the room, shutting the door behind him. I'm the only one who notices his departure.

"Is it really so hard to believe that maybe - just maybe - she was sick of your choir boy act?" He questions and now Eric looks confused and angry. "She knows, Eric, she knows all about your conquests."

That's partially a lie, I don't really know anything besides the lone fact that he cheated on me. For all I know it could've been only one time or a hundred times with thousands of different girls. My heart rate picks up at the thought. What if the whole relationship was a lie? What if he was playing me the entire time?

Tears were falling before, but now they cascade even faster. Thoughts threaten to take over my entire being and all I can do is listen to Jace as he reveals something that I failed to do.

"You're lying." He drags out through gritted teeth.

"About what? I'm pretty sure she knows what she saw-"

"Shut the fuck up," he barks, pacing the floor with his hand tugging at his blonde hair. "Just shut up, goddammit."

"The truth was going to come out eventually," Jace disregards Eric's instructions. I watch with tears as the two men argue, not knowing what to do, but seem unable to talk.

You're weak, Nina. Absolutely weak.

"It's been going on for how long now?" Jace asks, pretending to think. "Two years? Three?"

"Nina?" Eric turns to me with glossy and guilty eyes, but my attention is stuck on the revelation that Jace lied to me. He told me he didn't know exact details of Eric's affairs, but that doesn't seem to be the case. "Look at me, sweetheart."

"Don't talk to her like that," Jace growls and shoves him away from me. I'm frozen in place, too many things going on at once. Funny how my mind is stuck on one thing that shouldn't even be that big of a deal.

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