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Fresh faced recruits litter the halls. The new overwatch is full of old and new faces.

You stand, in absolute awe, as Winston formally greets the new crowd of agents with a speech.
Everything is low profile- nothing as grand as it probably used to be back in the golden days, but nevertheless, you're enthralled to be here. Seeing faces like Reinhardt Wilhelm and Lena Oxton in the flesh makes you feel giddy. You wonder who you'll be training with? You take a short look around. A famous vigilante- Soldier 76- stands near Torbjörn and Reinhardt, but keeps a small distance between himself and everyone else. His hair is grey and his face hidden by a visor, but he looks threatening. It's impossible to see if he's staring right back at you.

"God, i'm terrified. But the good kind, you know?" You tell your friend, dusting down your shirt.
"Me too. I think i'm gonna hurl." She replies in a whisper.

Winston's speech goes on. He talks about the secrecy pact you'd all made, & how important it was you keep it. He talks about each of the mentors, what their specialities are and what kind of work you'd be doing with them.

"Congratulations. You have all made it to Overwatch." He says finally, only for the crowd of new recruits to cut him off with cheers of delight. He cant help but smile.

"Quiet, now. You'll hear your name  & whomever you'll be training under.."

Your friend looks at you, smiling in a good luck gesture. You squeeze their hand nervously.

"In Reinhardt's team, we have..."

The names blur. You and your friend are not one of them. You breathe a sigh of relief, maybe you'll be in the same squad?
Reinhardt beams at his small crowd of cadets, proud of the people he just met. What a sweetheart, you think. You're a little jealous- Reinhardt would be an awesome mentor.

Tracer's team is next. She gathers them into a group huddle, and they all emerge grinning.
Soldier 76's team is called next. You're heartbroken to hear your friends name called out- and not yours. She gives you a quick hug.
"Don't worry too much. You're gonna be fine, dummy."
And then she's gone, across the room beside the mysterious vigilante man. You feel horribly alone without her warmth beside you.
You watch her curiously. She smiles at the older man, offering her hand to shake. He dismisses her shortly, ignoring her hand, and you see her look at you with a face of doom. You chuckle, flashing her a sympathetic look.

Torbjörn is next. You are not in his group either. You're surprised- you thought he was the most likely mentor for your skills. At this point, you start to panic. Only McCree & Genji's group left.
Girls and guys alike swoon over Jesse McCree. You certainly wouldn't complain if you were in his squad.
But you aren't. And you aren't in the 'cyborg ninja's' (as your friend had called him earlier) either.

Oh god... They've forgotten about me, you panic. You're the only one left. People are staring at you. Oh god- they're kicking you out. You didn't make the cut. That's why you aren't in anyones squadron. You hear a few puzzled laughs and see judgingly smug stares in your direction, and your face heats up. You fight the shakiness of your tone, looking up at Winston with a look of confusion on your face.

"My name wasn't said." You say, willing your voice to sound steady and calm.

"Ah, yes. If I could speak to you for a moment, Cadet?"

Thats it then. Goodbye dreams. Goodbye dignity. You, solely, are getting booted from Overwatch.

As if he could read your mind, the ape smiles comfortingly.
"Don't worry, you made the cut. You have a mentor. It's just a bit of a.. special case."

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