The Mark Of Nimueh

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It's been around a week since the tournament. Since then it has been the same routine. 

Do stuff for Arthur. Do stuff for Gaius. Do more for Arthur. Then speak to either Gwen, Morgana, Leon, or Ewan. Sometimes two of them at once but she usually found one of them. Put Arthur in his night clothes, take his dinner tray and then go to bed.

She noticed that Morgana, right after the tournament was nervous around her still. Giving her worried glances and watching her more intensely. But soon it went away and she became the loving Morgana she had met when she first came to Camelot.

She could feel that the people liked her. Which was odd, since the people I'm Ealdor had hated her. Hell, even Uther had laughed at some thing she had said once. (A story for another day.)

When Gaius got the call that a man had clasped in the lower town he and Merlin went down their as fast as they could.

"Aren't you sacred?" Merlin asked nervously. As Gaius crouched down next to the man on the floor.

"Of what?" He asked looking at her for a moment.

"That you might catch whatever it is." She stated as if it were obvious.

"I'm the court physician, Merlin. This is part of my job. Most of the time there's nothing really to be scared of." He said and turned the corpse over. They both jumped at the sight. The mans veins were turned a light blue and their eyes white.

"You were saying?" She asked half sarcastically and half scared.

"People mustn't see this. They'll panic." Merlin nodded and grabbed a random persons blanket on a drying rope. When the woman came out to yell at the girl Merlin handed the woman three gold coins.

"Sorry." The lady looked from the cloth to the coins. Nodded and went back inside. (Sorry I know that it wasn't needed, it was just odd that they just took someone's cloth.)

Once they got the man on the cart and covered they started pushing him to the castle.


At the blacksmiths house Gwen would be seen walking around getting ready for the day.

"Dad, here's your sandwich." She said and handed the sandwich to her dad, the blacksmith Tom.

"Ooh. Mmm, what's in it?" He said smelling it and smiling.

"It's smoked pigeon. But I'd say there's more smoke than pigeon." She said blushing as her father laughed.

"You're such a good girl to me." He said and side hugged her.

"And I've done you some watercress soup tonight." She said pulling out of his grasp and walking towards the door.

"Don't tell me, with more water in it than cress?" He called after her.

"Hey!" She called turning around.

"I'll see you later. Love you." She said and walked out to hear a small and sweet response.

"K. Love you too."

Once Gwen was outside she went over to the forest and picked flowers. After that she went and grabbed some cloth to tie them. Once the flowers were ready she started to walk over to give them to Morgana. Once she got to the square entrance she saw Merlin and Gaius.

"What are you doing?" She asked kindly.

Merlin turned around and saw Gwen and smiled. "Er...just moving something."

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