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"Right, come on Will!" He said to himself trying to recall all the different types of coffee for his new job. His trainer had been trying to drill in all of the information he would need to be able to at least work to half the speed everyone else did.

"You can do this!" He mumbled to himself again.

The bell above the door rang out and Will's head almost instantly perked up.

He smiled his broadest smile and the person standing in front of them grinned back.

"Hey, uhh. What can I get you!" Will said after a large pause.

"You ready for this?" They smirked and continued speaking when they saw Will eagerly nod. "Can I get a large, quad, non-fat, one-pump, no whip mocha please?"

They chuckle when they saw the reaction on Will's face.

"C-can you repeat that please? I didn't really get it down." He said slowly.

They grinned again and said again more slowly this time.

"I think I got the symbols right..." Will said staring at the cup with the blue sharpie on it.

"You think...! It's okay, it's complicated. I know, I'll just tell you for next time!" They said eagerly.

Will nodded and went to go get the drink ready but almost tripped over after a small realisation.

"C-can I get a name please?" He said blushing at himself almost tripping over.

"Ash!" They said running a hand through their quite short hair and laughed at Will almost falling over.

After a few minutes of Will experimenting on how to make Ash's drink. He finally got a product he was...not happy with. But would do for the time being.

"I'm sorry, it might not taste as good." Will said nervously.

"It'll be better next time I'm sure." Ash winked and left quite a large tip for Will and left.

The next week, Ash entered again. This time wearing a perfectly tailored suit but with the tie undone.

"Hey. What can I get you?" Will said almost automatically this time. He looked up after hearing no response.

And saw Ash attempting to tie their tie.

"I remember you, Ash...right? Do you-uh need some help there?" Will asked leaning closer to Ash after seeing a small nod in disappointment.

"I just forgot, I guess." Ash said.
"And since you asked can I have a large, quad, non-fat, one-pump, no whip mocha, please? And thank you so much for this!" They said enthusiastically at the end.

Will nodded. And took out his blue sharpie and started making all the right markings on it. "I see someone has done their homework!" Ash said teasingly.

Will blushed and shrugged. He handed Ash the drink and they took a sip. "Hmm. It's getting there." They left a generous tip, again.

Next week, Ash entered the coffee shop again. And Will was ready for them. "Ash! I'll get you the usual, yeah?" Will said with a huge grin on his face.

"That would be great, thanks!" They replied.

They sipped their drink. "It's a lot better than the first one. Almost perfect." Ash said making the hand signal for tiny with their thumb and index finger.

Next week. Will got out a large cup when he saw Ash walk in. "You haven't even asked me my order yet!" They stated.

Will shrugged.

"Can I have something different? A cappuccino, to-go please." Will raised an eyebrow.

"Why's this then?" Will asked curiously.
"I heard that you're getting too good at my order so I need to keep you on your toes." Ash winked.

Next week. Will leaned against the counter waiting for a customer to walk in. When suddenly Ash walked in. "Hey. Can you help me with an issue?" Ash instantly asked before Will could even speak.

Will walked around the counter and into the actual dining space. And nodded.

Ash stepped slightly closer. "It's only a small issue that I think you can solve." They said, hinting to something.

They stepped closer once more and now needed to look up to see Will's face properly.
Will could feel their breath against his face and looked down to see Ash properly.

"Can you tie my tie!?" Ash said whipping their red tie out of their jackets pocket which matched their red pocket square.

Will blushed and nodded as he didn't trust his voice.

"Can I get you anything else?" Will asked slowly after tying the tie.

Ash shook their head and planted a small kiss to Will's lips and walked out the coffee shop door.

The next week. Will was buzzing to see Ash, hoping they popped in for a quick coffee and maybe they could speak about what happened last week.

And just as he thought that, Ash walked through the door.

"Can I get the usual, please?" Ash said clearly unenthused.

"You sure? I have this special drink I made recently!" Will said quite literally bouncing on his feet from excitement.

"I'll try that then." Ash said.

Will made the drink and handed to them.

They took a small sip and said "This is so good!" Will nodded and thanked them.

"Do you know what else was good though?" Will said.
Ash raised an eyebrow. "The message on your cup." And the he busied himself with another customer that had just walked in.

The message read. 'Do you want to go on a date? I get off at 7:00'

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