Meet..well, me!

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This is weird.

FUCKING weird.

It's like all the things I've ever wanted to put in an author's note but didn't because I knew people would get annoyed with me.

Ok. Let us begin.

My name is Cecelia Laurens Flanagan. No, I didn't make the Laurens part up. I normally go by C.C, just because it's easier I mean, like, Cecelia sounds like a fancy name and I am by no means fancy. It's like the kinda name for princesses who have dudes on one knee like "Cecelia, dearest, will thou be my wedded wife?" And I'd be like "no, cuz I'm gay." The end. But that's getting off topic.

I'm only 4"8, but I'm 14 years old. I'm just a shortie. It's makes it very difficult in school hallways because this is how it normally goes down:

Me: oh la dee da, what a wonderful day to be alive, look around at how lucky we are to be-

Huge kid: *shoves me into a wall* oops, didn't see ya there

Me: I think I just ruptured my spleen...

Obviously if your reading this you most likely certainly read my fanfic first. Which I just wanna say thank you because sometimes I can be a shit writer. Like, most of the time.

I guess this will kinda be like a diary sort of thing, but if you have any specific questions, just fire away.

I may also post art here. Maybe. Maaaaybeee *looks up at the sky like they do in movies*

Anyway, that's all for now folks!

*backflips out the door*

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