Chapter Twenty-Three

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The strong smell of tangy hairspray and sweet perfume filled the small space of the second bathroom. I coughed in its bitter vapours. The girls buzzed busily around me as I stared at my tired, pyjama covered reflection in the mirror. They were already getting dressed in their elegant dresses, their faces coated in a copious amount of makeup. 

I sighed and trudged out of the bathroom to make myself some breakfast. It was too early for this. 

"Morning," I muttered to Jasper who was seated at the dining table. We both looked like death, how cute. I flicked the switch on the kettle and hummed to a tune. 

He looked up from his laptop. "You're not getting dressed yet? Or are you going in your pyjamas?" He said. 

"Can I?" My eyes sparkled and my metaphoric tail wagged from side to side. 


My tail dropped. "Oh." I frowned. I was tempted to rock up in a onesie, I liked being 'different'. It also guaranteed that I wouldn't get hit on. 

"Good morning!" All of a sudden my mother bounced into the kitchen. She stopped mid-skip and drank in my appearance. Her brows furrowed. "Why aren't you getting dressed for your exhibition today? You look like a hobo." 

I snatched a mug from the cupboard and muttered a, "Thanks, Mum."

"No offence sweetie," she replied. "Finish that coffee and I'll do your hair." 

I brought the cup to my lips, taking a well-deserved sip. "All good. I'll put a pair of nice jeans and a top on and I'll be good to go."

Her lips set in a grim line. "You are not going in jeans, I forbid it." 

I sighed. "Mum, it's a small school exhibition. I'm sure jeans will be fine." 

"I have to agree with your mum here," Joanna popped into the room dressed stylishly in her tight, red dress. It was elegant. Two thin spaghetti straps travelled over each shoulder, keeping the dress in place. It had an overall simple vibe, v cut and mid thigh length. She gave a spin. "How do I look?" 

My mother clasped her hands together in awe. "You look great honey." She then turned to me, a strict hand on her hip and her lips pursed. 

I exhaled loudly. "What?"  

I felt like a criminal under interrogation, sweat beaded at my forehead. Time seemed to pass really slow as they continued to stare at me with their bug eyes. 

"Fine!" My shoulders dropped and I puffed. "I'll wear a bloody dress and you can do my hair."


Juliana fidgeted in her seat. 

I gave her a small smile, one which she shakily returned. We were all in Jaspers car on our way to the exhibition. I felt a little nervous, mostly I just felt sympathy for Juliana. She obviously still felt something for her ex-boyfriend. 

Juliana's smile tightened as the school became visible. 

I leant in. "If it makes you feel better, you look fucking smokin' hot," I whispered in her ear with a grin. 

"Thanks, Lauren, you look pretty hot too," she replied, mirroring my grin. 

I exited the car with an air of confidence, my head held high. Well, that was till I tripped over the laces of my shoes. Bloody converse. My mother, Juliana and Joanna burst out into laughter. 

"Yup, thanks, guys I'm fine. Just leave me here to die." I groaned. My body ached from the collision with the concrete and I felt my eyes water with the pain. What can I say? I'm a weak prick.

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