For Zeke-Broken Angel...when he lost Dalia :)
There's No Me, If There's No You
I couldn’t imagine my life without you,
And now I’m forced to live it.
My heart breaks every time I think of you
And I’m incapable of stopping it.
Everything hurts, from my tears to my smile
Because you’re not there to share it.
And every single day, I wish you were here
But there’s no you to grant it.
Days pass in a blur, Night makes me sad
There’s no more you to brighten it.
And when tomorrow comes, I’ll still yearn for yesterday
‘Cos that’s when you and I were in it.
I know I have to live this life,
I know I have to try.
And even though you’re gone from it,
The memories remain to cherish.
I crave your touch, your smile, your voice,
Will do so till the end of time
And when one day we meet again
My world will once more shine.
"PEACE" In A Pod
Poetry*RENAMED* Formerly called "Awakenings" I usually do this for each new character, just to allow me to adjust to the new people in my head (kind of like a character development for me.) This would nicely explain how they see themselves, and what I ne...