You spin my dreams
Spin my dreams out of control
Out of control like a whirlwind
That whirlwind of emotions flood me
Flood me and wind me up tight.
Unwind me…I am your marionette
You pull the strings and I dance to your tune
My eyes open to your beautiful smile,
Flawless perfection in every expression
Skilfully graceful with every move
You know me, and I know you
Soul mates,
We are shatterproof together
Alone, we’d break into a million pieces.
We'd fall
Be lost
And stay broken...
"PEACE" In A Pod
Poetry*RENAMED* Formerly called "Awakenings" I usually do this for each new character, just to allow me to adjust to the new people in my head (kind of like a character development for me.) This would nicely explain how they see themselves, and what I ne...