Part 1

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I walk off the bus, and I am mumbling the lyrics to Cruise kinda under my breath. And I am walking then I ran into a long haired guy who seems familiar and I am about to fall on my ass when I feel when someone's hands grab my hips.
The other guy helps me back up on my feet, and the long haired guy says "I am so sorry, you're Kate right?" I grin, and say "Luke's favorite slut, yep that'd be me. You are, wait long hair, extremely sexy guy... you must be the one and only Thubb or Tyler, right? And the horny one who is breathing down my neck has gotta be BK or Brian Kelley. Damn; you are even more hunky in person." I say as my eyes run up, and down at Brian's body. "Babe, my eyes are up here..." he says in a handsome voice.
"Maybe, I don't wanna look in your eyes, asshole." I say walking away. Knowing he will follow like a sweet country boy would do, and he does exactly what I want. I laugh because guys can be so predictable.
"Hey swearing it not very good."
"Oh are you gonna tell me what to do pretty boy? Yeah you're hot, but you need to prove to me you are worth my time." He walks close as he lays a arm over the back of my neck and his other hand in the pocket of my jeans. I try to stop looking into his sea blue eyes. He is in danger and I need to stay away from him. I'll end up ruining him like everything else I touch. He smirks when he looks into my eyes, and sees the desire that fills them. He leans real close, and closes his eyes, and waits for me to crush my lips on his. I want to, but I am should stay away. I push him away and he looks so surprised as I shoot him my own smirk and walk away. He stands there unable to move when I look back and I just laugh to myself. I get tackled from behind, I know who it is
"I missed you too, Mikey." I laugh. "How did you know it was me?" he asks smiling.
"Only you would dare tackle me, because you love it when I beat the shit outta you!" I tease, grinning. All of the guys start laughing.
"Hey, you are one girl that everyone here is scared to get in a fight with. Especially Carter, I remember when he made that mistake, he had a black eye, a bloody lip, and his nose was so swollen." I laugh, Uncle Carter, and Dad got into a fight, and he punched Dad in the stomach. I whooped his ass so hard... he didn't even get a punch in. Carter glances away as BK and Tyler gawk at me, surprise written all over their handsome faces.
"That little sweet thang?" Tyler asks, not believing the boys.
"Boys, that is a fiery pistol who enjoys pissin me off, and messing with boys' minds," Daddy says laughing at Tyler's image of me. "Sometimes I swear Eric wrote that song 'Hell on the Heart 'bout her." Dad continues making me smile, then all the boys get sent off to do a job which leaves me and BK alone yet again. I smirk at him and sway my hips as I walk away. He mutters something about being a tease, but he continues to follow me as I walk onto his bus.
"What did you say before, Florida?" I ask smiling.
"You are a tease!" he groans.
"Well, it is kinda part of the whole slutty territory, but I think I like teasing you." I whisper into his ear and he looks away. I look down, and turn to walk out the door; I feel a hand grab my shoulder, and he whispers "I never have ever wanted to kiss anybody so much..." He presses his lips so softly; my stomach tingles with a weird, yet remarkable feeling. I start to smile, and we both yank away when we see Tyler staring at us with his mouth hanging open. "Uhhh, hey T, do you need something?" Brian taunts playfully as I giggle when I look at him.
"Uh, I think so, but it can wait if y'all are busy." I smile at how polite he is, a quality

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