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"hi, i'm joshua hong." he smiled and took his hand out

i smiled back and shook his hand. "hello, im jiyeon."

"it's very nice to meet you. so are you 17, perhaps?" he chuckled. I also chuckled.

"it's also nice meeting you and yes, i'm 17 years old." I laughed.

[a/n: just imagine they're seventeen years old for the sake of the fic didkdkdj]

"you're the girl at the park, right?" he asked.

"oh. yes, i am. i'm not that social so i ran away and it was also a bit awkward." i laughed nervously.

'hopes he buys it.' she thought to herself

"i see." he smiled. and mr. jung came in with a poker face, well always.

as usual teachers making an introduction and things. he also told he will start discussing tomorrow. and then the day after tomorrow, then tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow. ao there will be all lot of discussing going to happen tomorrow.

math ended good. good thing mr. jung is nice this year, i smiled to myself then realization hits me. i remembered the equations he gave us last year. i'm not that kind of person who likes brain abuse. like hello, my heart is weak and i have collected 20 brain cells that are ready to battle.

my next class was history which joshua isn't there. and, i'm alone again.

time passed by so quickly that i haven't noticed that it was lunch. i texted nahyun that we'll meet at the office to get the number of our lockers and the combinations.

[a/n: idk about this, we don't have such things in our school]

"jiyeon!" i looked behind my shoulder, seeing mijung running to me.

"wait for me!" nahyun screamed behind us.

we walked to the cafeteria and buy ourselves some food. we sat down and talked about the first half of our first day.

"i met a guy in math today." i said looking down, staring at my food.

"is he good looking?" mijung asked quickly.

"you never changed mijung. you're lucky that we stopped you from having flings." i scolded her. "if we didn't, you might get heart broken from a guy you loved as a boyfriend not a fling."

"or you getting pregnant." nahyun added. mijung's eyes widened in shock.

"hey! i won't go that far!" mijung defensively said. we just laughed at her comment.

"seriously, is he good looking?" nahyun asked.

i nodded as my response. "wow girl. you're getting yourself a boyfriend." nahyun teased.

"but, this wasn't the first time i've saw him." i said with the same expression.

i just don't wanna show, because i have a crush on joshua. this shocks me but, i can't deny it. i ike him.

[a/n: who can't deny hIM? TELL ME]

mom said that it is very normal to have a crush on someone. it's not that bad, right?

"where?" they both said at the same time.

"in the park. i think he just moved here, i haven't seen his face around."

"i think it's because you're not allowed." nahyun said. they laughed.

i laughed sarcastically, "really funny guys." I told them.

"ah, i know. you have a crush on joshua, right?" mijung said.

i sighed and finally nodded. they squealed like 5- year olds.

"it's just the first day of school then you already have a crush!" nahyun said then squealed again.

"i told you! it's not the first time i saw him!" i said in defense.

"okay, okay. i believe you... somehow." nahyun laughed.


the bell rung and we went to our classes.

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