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I trailed behind Kayla towards the principles office. Metro middle didn't look nothing like a middle school, it was huge almost like a high school. A group of ten girls was standing around in the hallway talking. "Excuse us." Kayla broke in between them.They all turned to look at me as I broke into their group too.

I just gave them all a smile. I heard them whispering behind me, as I walked off.

After about an hour of Kayla signing a bunch of papers, and talking to the principle. I was being handed my schedule. "He can start today, or tomorrow." Kayla looked at me waiting for my final decision. "I'll start today." I told the principle.

Kayla eyed me trying to see if I was sure. I just nodded.

Kayla kissed my head. "I'll come pick you up until we figure out your bus schedule." I couldn't walk home anymore. Metro was over 45 minutes away. "Coo." I rose up out my chair leaving out the office, and into the hallways of the school.

I walked to the third floor to go find my locker. I knew I was never gonna use it though. All of my classes were either on the first, second, and fourth floor.

I spun the dial; 2,16,12. I pulled it open pushing the envelope into the top shelf that the principle gave me, and I stuffed my schedule in my back pocket shutting the locker back. "Shawn?" I looked over my shoulder to see who called me.

"David?" David didn't really look different, he still had curly red hair, and big black framed glasses that were still to big for his face. I watched him drop the books that he was holding, and before I could move he had me slammed against my locker.

"You and your friends made my life in Manchester hell!  YOU ARE GOING TO PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID!" I shrugged David off me. "Aye, I never did nothing to you." David adjusted his glasses. "You could have stopped it." Everybody on the third floor was now staring at us.

This was not how I was tryna start of my first day.

"Aye Dude chill. We in middle school now." David crotched down scrambling his books up when the bell rang. Everybody was still kinda looking at me, I tugged the wrinkles out my shirt were David's hand prints were. "What?" I asked everybody who was looking at me. They all turned the other direction walking off.

I looked down at my schedule walking to the first floor.

I handed the teacher my schedule when I stepped in. "Them shoe's cleaaan. He shittin all ova yo kicks Nuke." I didn't know who was talking while the teacher was talking to me, and handing me some papers. "Watch your mouth Charles, and raise your hand. Shawn here is sitting behind you." The hand was attached to a black dude with a mohawk.

he was wearing all black sunglass.

"DAMN MS JOHNSON why you using my goverment name and shit I told you my name is C." I sat by "C" he looked over at me. "Aye whadup fam, lemme formally introduce myself. I'm C. How you? Yo name Shawn?" Everybody in the class was laughing.

I could already tell C was a fool. I laughed too.

"Are you done?" The teacher asked. She must have been use to his behavior because she wasn't even stunnin' him. C nodded. "My bad. I was tryna make him feel welcome. Everybody say Wadup Shawn." Everybody repeated after C. The teacher just shook her head, and started the class.

After a while I looked over to see a note being slid to me by some girl. I took the note unfolding it undereath the desk.

        [      "Be my slave? Yes or no."   ]

I busted out laughing making the teacher turn to look. "Damn Miss Johnson, what you all back here for?" Miss Johnson glared at C ignoring the fact that I laughed. She turned back to the board writing down some more words.

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