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(My P.O.V)

     My best friend gave me two beautiful calico kittens, I was so happy to have a cat so my sister and I went home. The one with a nice white brush-like pattern on the back is my sister's cat and mine is the lighter calico one.

"Where did you got that?" Mom asked.

"Well, my best friend gave it to us" I replied, my Mom face-palmed.

"Tell me if you're going to get a pet ok?" She said and went to the kitchen.

"What will you name it?" I asked my sister.

"Nissin, as my favorite cup noodle soup!" She said as she hug her cat, it's so funny that their furs are fuzzy when they met my dog.

"Well.." I sighed, "I don't know what to name you, I hate common names" 

"You'll come up with a name!" My sister said and I smiled, we decided to put the kittens on our bedroom and let them explore the whole house later.

"What should I name you.." I said to my kitten, "Ciel?"

"No" Yma said, "Ciel is a boy"

"Yeah, I know" I said and thought of a another name, "Halloween? Pattern? Layers?"

"Artist huh?" Yma laughed.

(Yma is my younger sister)

"Yeah" I said, my when Dad knew that we have a pet cat he also got mad but happy anyway. He helped me to create a litter box for them.

"So, what do we feed them?" I asked my Dad.

"Dog food" He laughed.

"A cat that eats dog food?" I said, "Nah, some dogs eat cat food anyway"


     We got to school and I felt dizzy while in the middle of the flag ceremony so I stayed in the clinic, I'm still thinking on what my cat name would be.

"Frenfurskye.. misheard French For Sky" I said as I'm in the bed, "French? Fur? Skye?" I sighed.

"I will think of a name.." I said. The other teacher asked me if I'm okay, there's no quizzes or lessons so I decided to say that I'm still dizzy. Mom got me and we went home, I fixed myself and quickly got to my cat.

"Frenfurskye?" I said and she looked at me, "Maybe, but it's too long.."

"Kana!" My mom called me from the kitchen, I went up to her.

"What's your cat's name and your sister's cat name?" She asked.

"My sister's cat is named Nissin and mine Frenfurskye" I said.

"Frenfur- what?" My mom got confused, "It's like calling your full name"

"I'm still thinking of a name, it sounds weird by the way" I laughed and went to see my cat again.

"Frenchy? Frenny.." I said, "Frenny is fine, I will name you Frenny" I smiled.

"Mew" Frenny said.

"Aww, you like it" I hugged her.

     Things happened and we knew each other, there are times that we hate each other. I got scratches but it's fine, that what cat owners get! It's fine though, you'll get used to it soon. 3 Months passed and it's Recognition Day..


(The story is not over yet, this will be a sad story because things that I won't expect will happened..) -HeavenlyCoffee

My Wonderful Cats.. (SHORT TRUE STORY)Where stories live. Discover now