..HAPPINESS has an END..

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(My P.O.V)

     After the Recognition Day, we decided to go to the mall to eat and when we got home. I didn't expect to see this.

"Hey! Is this your cat?" My Mom asked me as I saw my sister's cat on the ground, two bites near on her vagina, and she's doing a pose like she's trying to protect herself.

"This isn't my cat.. I need to find her, maybe she's also dead.." I said, I ran everywhere and when I hear a meow. Frenny was just under the table, she was like 'What the hell is happening to my owner?'

I hugged my cat, "Thankfully you're alive" I got out and I saw my sister hugging her dead cat.

"Is your cat alive?" She asked and I nodded, "Lucky you"

"Yeah" I smiled, "I feel sorry about your cat"

"I know.." She frowned. Tomorrow came and I saw that my cat has been lonely without Nissin, she loves playing with her but now she's gone. She's sad. I decided to play with my cat, I got few scratches but it's fine. At least she loves playing with me. 

(1 Month Later)

"I'm glad that you're happy" I smiled and rubbed her belly, she always meows now if she sees me and I'm glad about that. She loves windows so I'm laughing when she tried to fit in the windows. It has a another cover so she won't get out.

"I know, you miss Nissin" I said as I rub her belly and she always meows.

     It's always fun when I see her always happy, until the day came that the last memory that I saw on my cat that she's on the counter and always sleeping in there. I was in the computer until I noticed that I don't see her for an hour, I decided to open the door of the room on where she's always in..

She's not there..

I tried finding her anywhere but I can't find her, I checked all the places on where she could be. I can't see her.

"She will meow if she sees me.." I said trying to be positive and I came back to my computer, until it's night. My Mom came home from work and she asked me on where is my cat.

"I don't know! I kept finding her anywhere!" I replied.

My Mom called my sister walked up to me.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Where is Kana's cat?" Mom asked.

"I don't know, where did she went?" She shrugged.

(My sister told me to hide her damn name so I did, I don't care anymore. I still miss my cat..)

"Search her on the backyard, maybe she's around there somewhere" Mom said, I grabbed a flashlight and decided to find her.

"She's not there" I said as I go back inside the house. After that our Mom got mad to us because of our trashes everywhere, while I'm fixing something in the kitchen. I hear a meow on the backyard.

'My Mom is mad, maybe she'll shout at me if I tried to open this door again..' I thought.

     Days later, I can't stop thinking of my cat. I miss her, I miss her meows, purrs, scratches on my skins, and her poos that I need to take care of everyday. I'm always crying whenever I'm alone, I really love and miss her more than everyone.

What would you like for you birthday? You ask..

A cat, I know that I want a piano for my birthday but I will replace it for my cat that didn't came back.. She's a stray cat now..


(I'm crying while writing this.. please go to the next chapter for the cat lovers/owners) -HeavenlyCoffee

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