Chapter 25

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Camila's Pov

Waking up next to Lauren would always be a joy to me, but at this moment it isn't. I'm terrified. For so many reasons though.  One, I'm scared of Lauren and I know I shouldn't be. I think I have always been a little scared of her though. Last night she scared me, she hurt the way she had been hurt. I'm being so over dramatic. 

That's the second reason why I'm terrified. I keep finding reasons to give up on us. To give up on the girl I love. She didn't hurt me. She was in a bad state of mind and I know she escapes her pain through sex and drugs and drinking. 

The older girl began to shift in the bed. She flipped over and was now facing me. Slowly but surely she cuddle her head into my neck. 

Really it all makes sense why Lauren has been acting the way she acts now..I could really kill her dad. 

I don't know how Lauren has the guts to stay in the house with him. I don't know the details about what's been going on, but hopefully she will leave with me this morning.

I get up not really thinking and head straight to Lauren's closet and pull out a duffel bag. I grab a couple of pair of jeans and some shirts and her signature leather jacket, I head over to her dresser and grab her underwear and socks and a couple of pair of leggings. Next i head into her bathroom grabbing her toiletries. When i step back in the room I place the bag on the edge of the bed and start putting the items in it. 

"Camila?" I hear Lauren's groggy raspy voice.    

I just look at her with a small smile. 

"What are you doing?" she asks me rubbing her eyes

"I'm packing you a bag, you're not staying here. I know you don't want to go to Dinah's or Normani's so we can get a hotel room and then figure stuff out from there." I tell her and I can tell she's not to happy with my actions

"Camila I'm not going any fucking where," she yells and raises up snatching the bag out of my hands and throwing it, a couple of items flying out.


"No Camila, you know what just leave." her tone was harsh

"Lauren I'm not leaving, but if you dont leave I'm staying..." I tell her my voice stern hoping she realizes I'm serious.

The black haired girl rolled her eyes at me and ran a hand through her hair.

"Camz..I don't know what to do...I just need time to think..the only thing I know for sure is I don't want this baby.." She tells me and I nod my head mouthing an okay.

"You're right I shouldn't stay here but I can't exactly leave...we graduate soon and after we do I'm leaving Camz and not coming back. My mom loves this man, I see the way he makes her feel..." She tells me and I frown at her words.

"Lauren I'm pretty sure your mom wouldn't feel that way if she knew what he was doing to you. "

"Exactly, her heart will be broking if she cares...she will be devasted if she ever knew what he did, she would live with guilt forever and I don't want her too. and then what if she doesn't Care Camz. Then that will hurt me more than anything" the green eyed girl admits and I walk over and sit on the bed next to her.

"Lauren whatever you decide to do is up to you, but you are pregnant and you need to see a doctor. We can go together tomorrow. And if you decide you really don't want it I'll be here for you through that as well." I reasurre her and she smiles .

"I love you Camila Cabello."

" I love you too Lauren Jauregui" I tell her as I place a kiss on her cheek.

"I'm sorry I hurt you last night" she apologizes. " Come on last go get some breakfast my treat."

"Are you taking me on a date Jauregui?" I tease her and she smiles warmly blushing.

"I guess you could call it that." She winks. " I'm going to go shower."

"Okay well I'm going to go home and change clothes and tell Dinah's mom. You can pick me up from there?" I ask and she nods. I turn to walk out but shw grabs my arm making me turn around...

"You were going to leave without giving me a kiss?" she asked me pouting.

"Sorry." I tell her before I lean and place a soft kiss on her lips." I'll see you in a few"


Lauren's POV

Dinah's mom appeared at the door after I rung the door bell and she let me in.

"Hi Lauren" she greets me with a warm smile even though I know she doesn't like me, she never really has, but I don't blame her.

"Hi Mrs Hansen." I tell her as she closes the door.

"Look." I state getting her attention.

"I know you don't like and you have every right to feel that way. I'm a bad influence on the girls, and then I've hurt Camila multiple times and I know you see her as a daughter, so I understand why you didn't allow Dinah and Her to see me in February. I really love and care about Camila and from this day forward I'm going to prove it, I promise." I tell the older woman and she nods her head.

"I think she is ready, she was just in the kitchen with DJ." She tells me. " And Lauren" she gets my attention. "You're a great Kid and I dont want anyone hurting you so if you ever need to talk or a place to crash you are welcomed here I'm extretemly sorry if I made you feel otherwise." She stated and disappeared around the corner.

I walked in the kitchen and steal Camila from Dinah.

We arrive at a restaurant my dad use to take me To when I was little. We order our food and eat in silence but I decide to change That.

"Tell me about your parents" I tell Camila.

She looks up at me her facial expression sad.

"My parents were great. My dad spent his time getting lost in art. He loved painting and taking pictures. He loved the world and mother nature. He was so over protective of me, he would have for sure Killed Austin." She joke and I laugh with her.

"Then he would have for sure killed me too." I state and smile and she shakes her head no.

"He would have loved you, because I love you " she tells me.

"Right, but what about your mom."I ask her

Camila's POV

"My mom loved music, she used to sing all the time, even though she didn't sound good." I tell Lauren while    I reminisce. " And she used to cook alot. Probably why I have a big appetite now. I miss them Lauren." I admit to her.

"I could only imagine." she states

"I'm going to graduate and my parents won't even be there...I won't have my family there to take pictures with or hear my mom and dad yelling when they call my name. They won't be here to send me off to college." I continue.

"And I think what hurts the most is they want meet this green eyed beautiful girl that I fell so hard for. They won't ever get to see how you make me smile and blush. How you're my light in the dark. They won't ever meet you Lauren," I tell her as a tear runs down my face. Laurens fingers quickly wipe it a way and for some reason that causes me to Break down, I was crying hard now as Lauren pulled me in for a hug.

I'm not surprised that Lauren could comfort me even though she is going through much worse things than I.

When my tears finally stopped falling I pulled away and stared into my favorite pair of eyes.

"Lauren please don't ever leave me," I beg her.

"I won't Camz, I'll be by yourside until you dont want anything to do with me."

"So you will be by my side forever?" I question her

"Always Camila Cabello" she tells me and leans in for a kiss.

"We should get going." She states as she leaves the tip on the table and stands up.

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