I awoke to a strangers face. I've never truly been scared when that happens, it's happens quite often. But, this time was different , this man's eyes looked as if they belonged to a wild animal. Wide open and fierce. I was startled by this man, I got up immediately. But, he stayed where he was, he just stared at me. But his eyes were the same. I looked at his uniform, from the looks of it, he belonged to the German army. He was the only one in sight. It was strange.
"Are you a member of the German forces?", I waited for him to speak, but he didn't answer, " did you get separated from your squad?." He still didn't answer, but he did get up from where he was kneeling, but kept staring at me. It looked as if he wanted to sy something to me.
" Are you okay? umm... are you hurt?" I asked with uncertainty, this time he did response, he put his hand to his throat and shook his head. " Are you mute?", he nodded. " Can you write?", he nodded once more. I started going through my backpack, I bought out my sketchbook and a pen. I handed it to him, so he could communicate with me. He looked at the sketchbook, then at me, and at the sketchbook again, as if he was confused on what to do.
" I'm pretty confused on why your here, so do you think you could spare some time and answer a few questions for me?",He toke the sketchbook and pen, he stared writing, When he handed it back the writing was pretty hard to read but I was able to manage. It said:
' I must return to my master. You shouldn't sleep in a place like this during a war it's dangerous. People around here can't be trusted. But if you have questions ask me.'
" If you have to return to your master, why did you stop and wake me up?"
' We are of the same kin, also you are a women, and you looked as if you were having trouble sleeping.' I wondered how someone so scary looking could write something like that, but the more I looked at him the more gentle he looked.
" Okay then, so from your uniform I can tell you are a German soldier, are you a Nazi? And if so what rank are you?"
'Yes I am a nazi, but my orders come from different people then most. My rank is Hauptsturmführer.'
" thats a pretty high rank, what brings you here to this little area."
' a mission'
" okay then, well I don't want to keep you any longer so I'll ask one more question. Whats you name?"
He toke a little longer to answer that question then it did any of the others. It was like no one had asked ever asked his name. But finally I received the sketchbook and the pen back. On it it said ' Hans Gunsche'. At that he walked away. I guess if someone where to get used to his eyes they would find him very attractive. After that I kept my eyes on the list of the people who died, I never saw his name on it. Even though i didn't know him i was worried for him, right after i had left the area of where he woke me, a troup of soldiers came though the area and killed everyone in the area. Before i could forget his face i drew a picture of him under his name, i was hoping to see him once more. I didn't see him again intill 38 years later. he came to me injured and bleeding, he looked pitiful, but other then that he hadn't aged one bit. But then again, neither had I.
Working on real story now :P