J-Hope x Reader

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Rain hammered down onto the concrete floor as you roamed the empty city streets, faint sobs and whimpers leaving your lips - only to be drowned out by the rain. Where were you? Why were you there? Most importantly, where's Hoseok? Your bare feet began to ache upon the stray stones on the floor as you continued to search for him - anybody in fact.

"H-hoseok," you cried out, voice lost in the air, "Where are you?" nobody replied, nobody was even walking the streets. You began to shiver as the cold finally getting to you as you stopped and leant against the wall, your body beginning to give in on you. How long had you even been walking for and how did you loose him? Tears began to spill down your cheeks, eyes shimmering within the dimly lit street lamps that lined the bare streets. "I need you." your voice trailed off, turning into a soft whisper as you curled up, head to your knees as you finally let your tears free.

Little did you know that Hoseok had woken up through hearing your little whimpers for him. In fact, you were clutching onto his shirt as you cried for him continuously murmuring his name. Your eyes opened as his hand ran through your hair, other hand softly placed upon your back as his lips touched your cheek. "I'm here baby..." came his soft whisper, "I'm right here." his actions instantly calmed you as you clutched onto his nightshirt once again, your free hand rubbing your eyes. "Did you have a nightmare, little one?" he spoke soothingly into your ear leaving you more tiny kisses as you nodded against his shoulder. He smiles widely at you, holding you close to his chest laying back and putting the blanket back upon your shivering body.
You're safe now
It's okay ...

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