Chapter 1.

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  *  She looked like heaven. Her beauty made the flowers from her dress let go of it and float in the warm wind. She meaned love and thorns at the same time. Auburn hair and ruby lips completed her appearance. She was perfect.

    She began to run faster and faster, in bare feet, feeling the caress of the grass. Her smile, oh her smile could drive away all worries and mischifs that exists in the world. Pure, white, delicate.

    She was like a flower and like a regular one, she began to wither. *

  Another chapter finished. I finally can put away the stiff pen and drink some herbal tea. My fingers are trying to relax as I put the instrument down and stand up from my not so comfortable chair. The atmosphere in this house is sombre. I miss her so much! My darling Charlotte why did you left when I needed you the most? Her scent is still in this house, in my pillows, my bed and my nose. The sweet smell of cinnamon and mint.

 I walk towards the kitchen and pour some hot water over a few petals of dried lavender in a kettle. While doing so a sweet memory popped up in my mind.

 " Aiden, how can you drink that?" she asked me in disgust making a grimace

 " What's so wrong with coffee?" I asked back taking a big sip from my white cup just so I can boil her some more

 "It's cancer, can't you see it? Do you know how much caffeine flows through your veins right now? Hmm?" 

   This was a spectacle for my eyes. She was so serious, with her big green mint eyes and a furious but hell of a cute face, just with that my heart goes crazy.

  " So? What if I die?" I asked while approaching but her legs remained glued on the cold floor.

 " What if you die? What ... what do you mean by that? How can you be so cruel? So heartless?" she said silently, looking at her feet

 "Why would you care, Charlotte?" I said, capturing her body between mine and the rough white wall. Both my hands are like a steel cage fot her. I look straight into her troubled eyes, and she in my happy ones.

 " Are you insane? I love you, idiot!" she screamed at me and that's when a smirk blossemed on my face

 " I know." I said, laughing, holding her cheeks into my palms

   Without announcing I crush my dry lips onto hers. This sweet, delicate sensation, fresh and intoxicating at the same time. Her eyes are open, I know they are. Every time I do this, take her by surprise and after a few seconds she closes them and responds to my kiss. So soft and sweet lips like two petals of one bloody red rose. I could never get bored of them, of her. She's my everything. My soul, my heart, my brain, without her I'd be nobody. She makes me live, keeps me alive. If one day she'll no longer be with me, the spark from my eyes will leave with her, together with my breathing. 

 " From now on I'll drink only lavender tea, ok dear?" I said touching her nose with mine

" Ok." she said, giving me one of her brightest smiles, but I couldn't control myself any longer, not that I want to so I took her lips along with her legs which were wrapped around my waist to our bedroom.

  Oh, what you're doing to me, Charlotte! 

I felt warm tears on my cheeks. The smell of the tea woke me up. With my sleeve I erase the tears which are now rolling down my face. I take the kettle and pour some of its content into a blue cup, her cup. Opened the fridge door and took some biscuits then I went back in my study room.

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