Chapter 4.

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The sugar is bitter compared to her lips. Sweet petals of flower drove my body insane. With just a touch of her skin, small wires of electricity crossed my spine. The dance our lips were performin was a graceful one. I felt like we were in a big hall where only our steps were heard on the polished floor. I was wearing a black suit and she a long marine blue dress made from an ethereal material. With long and delicate moves we danced as if our life depended on that. My right hand was holding her left and my other hand was resting her tiny back.Just with a kiss fro her and I already felt like a prince.

When the fantasy ended and we both separated from each other and opened our eyes, the surrondings were nothing but fresh air and an immaculated white cage.Meredith turned her back to me and began to walk with a worried expression on her face. She was wandering from a corner of the room to the other. It was clear as water that she was afraid of something, something about this room, but what? I looked around only to find myself in a trap, just a trap and nothing else.

How did we get here? One moment we were in my house and theen PUFF! through some magic circumstances we were teleported here. Is it even possile? To be teleported to another world, a parallel one, maybe.

After a few moents of silence I decided to sit down so I knelled and sat on the white floor, without realizing I was biting my nail. Oh such a stupid habit I have! I closed my eyes and tried to think of a way out of here, but I just couldn't. It was like my brain went instantly blank and I couldn't do anything about it. I tried to move my hand to diffrent directions but it was lying there like a vagetable doing nothing. What's going on? It was then when I began to freak out and Meredith wasn't doing great either.

I felt the huge urge to run and scream at her. To ask for answers. My body moved on its own forward and my bloody mouth began to speak. 

"Meredith, what's happening?" I asked her, trying to control my emotions, but i didn't get a response

" Look at me! Say something, Meredith! Answer me, dammit!" I raised my voice without wanting to. Her reaction was the same as earlier. No answer. She was looking in my eyes but hers where completly lost in sadness and guilt.

"Meredith, talk to me, please." I said, and placed my right hand on her shoulder, trying to calm her down. 

She lowered her face and began speaking.

" Aiden, I'm sorry! It's all my fault! I' so sorry, Aiden!" she spoke through a hoarse voice and warm tears began spreading from her green eyes. She distanced herself from me, but I didn't do anything. I couldn't move or breathe, I was hypnotized by the way my name sounded spoken by her lips. 

Wait a moment. How does she know my name? I never told her so  how? When I was about to ask her, something strange happend. the white room changed into a field full of flowers. The burning sun was watching our movements and the white clouds were eavesdropping on our conversation. I looked in confusion. 

" Meredith, you know what's happening, I know you do."

" We are the protagonists of a new story which is called  A second chance"

" How did you-" I began to speak, but she interrupted me, showing her arm. On her pale skin, were scratched some words and drops of blood were falling from there. I approached her and read the scar. A second chance was written brutally on her arm. When I was about to help her, a harsh pain knocked me down. My arm was burning inside and out. It was  like someone was writing with a knife in my flesh. I wanted to scream but I knew I couldn't be helped, I was marked with the same curse she had. On my right arm was scratched A second chance.

The warm blood colored a white flower in bright red. I felt a dizziness controling my senses. This isn't a dream anymore, is it?

 **  Hi! I finished this cruel chapter. What do you think about those marks? And why is it happening? And more importantly how did they get in this place? I'm waiting for your opinion.

Have a nice day! :3  **

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