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They finished their game of bowling and where heading out to eat Jacob had Grace on his shoulders and placed his arms around Connie and Millie, 'where shall we go for dinner?' Jacob smiled looking at Millie and Connie, Grace face lit up and she did a little dance on his shoulders 'PIZZA HUT' she squeaked with excitement he looked to Millie who gave him a small smile and nodded slightly, he clapped his hands together 'Pizza hut it is then, how about we go to the park for an hour first', Grace clapped her hands together with excitement 'yes, yes, Mil miles come on the swing with me' Millie smiled while giving Grace a high five 'of course babygirl'.

Grace was on Millie back as Millie ran around the grass with her, Jacob held Connie hand, while she rested her head on his shoulder, he felt her sigh, he stopped walking and cupped her face, he gently placed a kiss to her lips, he rested his forehead against hers 'you okay?' She closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath she turned to look at her girls, both laughing and running around together, 'I....i....jay I don't know, just my gut is telling me to worry' he smiled, turning her face to look at him 'Connie you're their mother of course you're worry, but for now enjoy this time with them, look at them, their happy, when was the last time you heard Millie giggle like that? When her and Grace played together without a care in the world?'.

She smiled looking back to her daughters, as they fell to the floor in a pile of leaves making leaf angels, she grabbed Jacob hand 'come on let's join them' they both ran over and played with the girls together.

Grace had buried both Millie and Connie in a pile of leaves, only leaving their faces uncovered, Jacob took out his photo taking photos, he smiled as he captured Millie and Connie both covered with Grace in a fit of giggles next to them, he bite his lips as he uploaded it 'these girls are my world <3 making memories', 'dad come on Grace needs to bury you now, it's you're turn' he laughed and laid down next to Connie, she moved her hand and held his as they lay together, she squeezed his hand 'I love you' he turned looking at her, kissing her lips softly 'I love you mo' he was cut off by Grace with her hands on her hips and the glare she had inherited from Connie 'Daddy stop moving'.

They spent an hour at the park, finally leaving to head to Pizza Hut, Grace was on Millie's back, Jacob and Connie walking holding hands, 'mum, dad maybe we should ask Duffy and Charlie to come, it's a family meal and...and' her eyes looking down  'they are like grandparents to Grace so' Connie smiled 'they think of you like their granddaughter to' Millie looked up and smiled 'I hope so because I'd like them to be'.

They arrived outside the restaurant and waited from Duffy and Charlie, Millie phone rang, she smiled seeing who was on the other end.

'Hey you' he smiled hearing her voice happy, 'hey, so I take it we got the result we wanted?' Millie walked away from her family 'Yeah he was found guilty and today...today I got to get my life back, I finally feel free, I sound crazy but something feels like it's been lifted off me' he smiled as he laid on his bed 'you're not crazy, you're free', she sat on a bench 'I miss you' he smiled 'I miss you to Millie, I can't wait to come back at Christmas I see you' she bit her lip 'I might be away at Christmas, but I want go spend new year with you, I would like to watch the fireworks with you', 'I'd love that millie', Millie saw Charlie and Duffy pulled up 'Matthew I've got to go, we're having a family meal and Charlie and Duffy just turns up' he turned his head looking at the photos of him and her 'that's fine Millie, have a good night, can't wait to see you again, love you' she smiled 'loves ya to, see you soon'.

'Mil mils sit with me' Millie smiled joining the rest of the family, 'of course Gracie' Charlie was sat opposite Millie 'you have a happy glow about you' he smiled as he looked at her 'I feel free' he nodded.

Connie and Jacob were chatting with Duffy 'actually Charlie there was something I wanted to ask' he smiled and nodded 'Go on' she looked at Connie and Jacob to make sure they weren't listening 'can me and Grace stay this weekend? It's just' she looked towards her parents 'they need sometime together, mum been so focused on me, spending nights in my room instead of with dad' he smiled at her 'of course, you and Grace are like granddaughters to me, your mum like a daughter, I'd....we'd be more than willing to have you'.

There evening moved swiftly, lots of laughed from all of them, Connie sat watching Millie and Grace together, she leant into Jacob side, she smiled watching as Millie laughed and cuddled Grace, she looked up to Jacob 'can we book that break? Spend Christmas together and come back for new year? Start new year as a family?' Jacob kissed her forehead 'yes baby, I love you and I love our girls and spending Christmas just us and new year with our friends sounds perfect' they both watched Millie, talking with Grace and helping her colour, he moved his mouth close to Connie ear 'she a fighter just like you' kissing her forehead making her snuggle into him more.

They arrive home 'Mil mils put me to bed' Millie smiled 'love to', connie pretended to act hurt 'what is mummy not good enough anymore?' Causing Grace to giggle 'Mil mild does better stories' Connie smiled watching as Millie carried a tired Grace to bed 'night baby, don't pick a long story, you're sleepily' Connie said as she kissed her young daughters head, 'Night princess, We love you' Grace kissed both her parents cheeks 'Night night mummy, night night daddy! Love you, Come on mil mils' Millie chuckle as she carries her to bed.

Millie tucked Grace into her bed and picked up her favourite story and started to read,  Millie hadn't even got to page five before Grace had fallen asleep, Millie kissed Grace's forehead 'good night princess, I love you, I will always protect you' Millie stood at the bedroom door watching her sister for a while before heading downstairs.

Millie watched from the livi room door as her parents cuddled up together on the sofa, she smiled to herself before walking into the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water 'I'm going to head up' Jacob turned to her 'its early yet come sit with us' she shook her head 'No, it's okay, you both should spend sometime together, night I love you both' Connie turned 'excuse Miss if you're going to bed you need to give me something?' Millie frowned 'what?' Connie smiled 'a hug and a goodnight kiss' Millie laughed walking into and hugging both her parents and kissing their cheeks 'I really do love you mum, I hope I'm like you when I'm older, strong, sassy, amazing, I'm proud to have you as my mum' Connie culled Millie face 'you're all that already babygirl' Millie smiled giving her another kiss on the cheek 'night mummy' turning to her Jacob 'I love you always well dad', Connie stood up, 'wait' pulling Millie into a tight hug, holding her as tight as she could 'I love you princess'.

Millie laid in bed m holding her penguin teddy close to her, her eyes becoming tired, she soon have into sleep, falling asleep quickly for the first time in months.

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