Whore with emotions

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Dray was in the bathroom.



How tf did this happen, you ask?


"You're beautiful."

"I thought I was a slut?" She spat at him.

"You are. But you're beautiful." He said, his voice getting more quiet as he leaned in closer.

He attacked her lips with his own, capturing her in a rough kiss.

She gasped and began to kiss back, before pulling away quickly.

She stood up and ran out of the common room.


The great hall was loud and busy. Dray had recovered herself from earlier and redid her makeup in the bathroom, before coming out and coming to classes.

She was now sitting with Pansy, laughing and smiling.

She saw Hermione walking by, and spoke up.  "Hey Granger! The ball at the end of the year, have a date yet?" She asked sarcastically, mocking the bushy haired girl.  When she didn't get a reply, she continued.  "I'm sure at least one of the Weasles is in line. Maybe all of them! They might be into that, I mean, if there FINE with mudbloods, who's to say they have morals at all."

Ron stood up and walked over, grabbing Dray by her long hair and pulling her to a standing up position, earning a loud cry from the girl.

The ginger boy smacked her across the face. "Not another word about my family, you whore."

This received a few gasps and many wide eyes.

But nobody stepped up to defend her.

Not anymore.

Ever boy that had used her in the last was over her now that she wasn't throwing herself around. They were going and getting themselves girlfriends, and wanted nothing to do with the now 'dated' slut.

Dray was thrown back down into her seat, and gingerly placed her hand to her face where the hit had been received.

At the other end of the table, attitudes were not much better.

Harry stabbed his food angrily with a fork.

What had he been thinking. She was a whore. Maybe a whore with emotions, emotions that made him sympathetic, but a whore nonetheless.

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