August (POV)
I was home doing nothing and selena told me to come over she sound like as if she was crying. I said ok and got into my car amd drove over to her mansion. When I got there she answered the door she was in some blue booty shorts and white sports bra. She tryna temp a nigga or sum? cause damn .
Me:*kisses her* babe wassup
Selena: ummmmm uhhhh
Me: SELENA! !!
Selena: diggy came over today and we had an argument and he slapped me
I didn't what really to do but what I wanted to do was to find diggy and beat the lighskin nigga into a black and blue skin nigga he crazy to put hands on my wifey.
Me: selena imma kill his mofo ass
Selena: babe dont do anything please Plus I have been getting these weird ass text messages from an Unknown number but something that diggy said made me think it was him
Me: you ain't gotta worry u got wayne yo mom and me also the YMCMB crew dont worry baby girl but if diggy come around u again imma have to beat his ass so bad.
Selena: awww I love u babe
Me:I love u too now give auggie some love
Selena: *laughs and kisses me*
the rest of the night we just cuddled and watched movies.I seriously love selena since we been together I aint ever cheated and I wanna keep it like that I want her to be the mother of my kids.I really do love her till death do us part