Living with the Bad boy

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Thanks all for coming and reading this, know this speech is so boring but hey i got to do it! So i have another story called Living with the bad boy but i dicided to make another because the plot wasnt really making sense, i know, dont judge but yes, thets get started! Also my twitter name is @kaitlinlala just so you know and please share this story with your friends and on twitter and things,Anyway thats enough, thets get started!

Lexie's Pov

Glancing boardly at the clock hanging on the wall, disapointment sunk deep within me as i realised it was only quarter to three..

Ugh, could time pass any slower!

My shoulders slumped as i leaned forward in my unconfortable, school chair, leaning my head on my handsin the process, peering at the white board. Once again i was stuck with Mrs Westwell's same old stinking classroom on a wonderful Friday afternoon. Saying that i was fighting exhaustion and boredness would be an understatement!

Furrowing my eyebrows, i tried so hard to listen carefully to my teacher's lecture on Shakespear's Macbeth. I was struggling to concentrate, as you would of guessed by now. Four weeks have passed since school has begun and i already felt as if i was drowning in a sea of homework, projects and essay. My thoughts drifted to the two papers that were due in next Thursday and i mentally groaned about thinking of the endless writing and work.

How was i going to make it through the end of this year?!

Propping both elbows back onto my desk, I scooted forward and gently began massaging my temples soothingly with my fingertips. To make the matters worse, the second needle on the damn clock seemed to be frozen. It wouldnt dare budge or anything and i was getting more irked by each passing second, miniute and hour.

In the moment of irritation, I'd huffed really loudly.

And it took me a split second to realise what a damn bad move that was.. With a dark, devils spawn shadow hanging over me, i cleared my throat and looked up at my teacher fearfully, i found Mrs Westwell staring down at me with her hands on her hips, a quizzical look on her face. The room was silent and all eyes were at me. I gulped nervously...

''Lexie Priya, if my lecture bores you that much, your more then welcomed to step outside and wait for the bell to ring" Mrs Westwell suggested with a challenging look on her saggy old face,Who could marry that... thing?!

I gawked at him, before swiftley shaking my head. Warmth spread across my cheeks, i blushed fiercley in embarrassment.

I gulped again and, despite myself, i managed to find my voice once again. The corners of my mouth twisted up into a forced smile.

"No Miss I answered weakly, my voice barely hearable, my palms sweat and i gave him the most innocent look i could muster up in such a humiliating situation.

I was mentaly telling myself what a idiot i was to sigh.. Lexie theres no need to get on that witches bad side!

She spared me one more glare/glance and went back to her desk at the front of the class. In a matter of a few seconds, my english teacher had gotten lost in his passionate lecture about shitty Macbeth..

It wasnt untill he left i realised i was holding a breath all this time. Shakily, i parted my lips and let the breath out and relaxed against my chair. That was sooo embarrassing. I could still feel the heat against my palm as i leaned further into my hand.

Moments like these I wish a dark hole would come and swallow me whole, take me off the face of the Earth but that wouldn't happen sadly..

I glanced at my best friend Tina and she had her hand over her
mouth trying to suppress her laughter, I lifted my clenched fist and then Flicked her the bird then smirked cheekily at her but before she could she, Tina turned away and threw her chocolate brown locks over her shoulder...

That Bitch!

Mental note: Kill Tina later!

As the pounding in my head kicked up a few notches, I wondered if this could get any worse. My unvoiced question was answered as I heard whispers at the back of the class, familiar voices and my plan of ignoring them was broke when I turned around, interest lost from my work, now onto them.

Of course, it had to be him making all that noise and them cheerleaders surrounding him, if you don't know who I'm taking about well it's him..

Joey Terrence

The cheerleaders in our class were surrounding him and his best friend to see what they were doing.
My gaze was set on his mischief filled eyes to see what they were looking at. And then i watched in disbelief as Joey Terrence plucked up a straw and deliberatley brought it closer to his mouth. A devious smirk tugged at the corner of his lips and he glanced bemusedly at everyone around his entourage. With perfect aim he aimed the straw at Samual Kings and swiftly blew air inside it.

Ass Holes!

They were shooting spit balls at out class' nerd Sammie. Poor boy. Samual was the sweetest boy and in my opinion did not deserve to be treated like this, whatsoever. However, he didnt even seem to notice the numeros spit balls sprawled across the wooden flooring beside him. I couldnt seem to comprehend why my stupid English teacher never told them off. It was NOT fair one bit! Samual must of caught the sympathtic look in my eyes as he glanced up and gave me abit of a smirk. I returned a small smile and brought my attention eleswhere.

At thyat exact moment, though, a pair of peircing, bright chocolate brown eyes caught me starring at the group. I wanted to look away but they held me captive. Joeys dark eyes bore into my sky blue ones.

For a second, i thought i forgot how to breathe. I sucked in a deep breath, snapping out of my daze. I was about to turn back around to the front of the class when i spotted something unusual. Amusement flashed in his eyes and a playful smirk played on his lips. His mouth quirked up as he brushed his fingers through his dirty blond hair and he quickly winked at me.

You heared me right, Joey Terrence Winked at ME!

My jaw almost dropped. My head raced with thoughts and simple questions. What in the universe did he just do? Did he just do what i think he did, yes he did!

And the thought of that simple gesture made me mutter "Eww"

Scoffing silently, I rolled my eyes at him and turned around to face the front. I could feel a blush creeping up my face and inwardly groaned when i went back to blushing. Tinas eyes were windened in what i assumed as shock but i wasnt sure. She probley saw what he done to me as well.

I ignored her and waited for this dreadful class to finish.

The thing is, i tried to stop it, but i couldnt. Since the very beginning, ive dealt with this kind of Bad Boy type. They were the kind of people who thought it was amusing to play with someones feelings and throw it back all in there faces. They were the kind who thought they could charm there ways into even the most prude of girls- or nuns- or even tramps panties and get there wicked way with them. Thats how it always was. They were the kind who thought bendingthe law was fun and could get away with anything, and everything. They were the kind who thought they were great, invinciable and nothing could stop them.

To me, they were all the same, and Joey Terrece was no different. Apparently he was our schools (Oak Park High)'s supposdly 'bad boy'. Although ive never been one to believe in the rumors, he made no effort to deny them. Id told myself to never get within three feet away from him, for fear that i may catch some kind of unknown disease, i mean Who knows!

And with them last thoughts swimming around in my mind, i shot one more hopeful look at the clock.

Eight miniuts left BITCHES!

A slow smile spread across my face. Thets get this weekend started!

Hey everyone so i hoped you liked the first chapter! If you like this story better than my old one, comment but if you like that one, then comment too! Please vote and shit like that! Love you all, Kaitys123 :)

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