My Boys- part 1

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Skylar's POV

"SKYYYLLAARRRR," Harry shouted from the bathroom. Uh oh, he must be finding the little gift I left him.

I quickly run and hide behind the sofa and cover my mouth to keep me from laughing and to prevent him from finding me.

The door burst open and steam releases from the room and Harry walks out with an angry expression on his face and also pink hair.

If you are wondering what I did, well, I grabbed some chocolate pudding and smeared it all over his boxers and put pink hair dye in his shampoo.

That's what best friends do!

"Skylar, come out and fight like a man!" Harry yells and I jump out with my shaving cream bottle and squirt him.

"I'm not a man you jerk!" I yell while attacking him with my flower scented cream. He easily grabs me and pins me to the ground and starts tickling me. What an asshole!

"Little GIRL! Those were my favorite underwear!" he yells while tickling me. I am going to piss if he doesn't stop.

Suddenly his ASSault was stopped by someone walking into the room.

Liam! Thank the LORD!!!!

"LIAM!!! SAVE ME FROM THE BEAST!!!" I yell and Liam giggles before walking over to us and pulling Harry off of me, still in his towel.

"What are you doing Harry?" Liam ask in a daddy voice. They don't call him daddy-direction for nothing.

"Nothing! She started it! Look at my hair!" Harry yells and points to his head. I fight the urge to grab a pair of scissors and cut off his pink curls.

"Skylar, did you do this?" Liam asks. I nod my head in shame and Liam laughs.

"Good job love, the hair dye was a nice touch," Liam says and high fives me. I smile in victory and stick my tounge out at Harry.

"Liam! You're supposed to be daddy-direction here! Tell her to tell me sorry!" Harry shouts sounding like a four year old.

"She's a girl, now go clean yourself up and quit complaining," Liam says

"She doesn't act like a girl," Harry mumbles and I flip him off before skipping downstairs to the rest of the boys.

Oh! I'm sorry! I haven't even introduced myself, I'm Skylar Brake. My hair color is light brown and I have green eyes with a little bit of hazel in the center, my dimples form just under my smile.

When I was younger I went to school in Bradford. Zayn and I formed a friendship when we were in our first grade. When we went to the Xfactor we never lost contact. He eventually introduced me to his friends from One Direction. Our friendship is really weird because we all just kind of got along really well.

I am currently making my way into the living room where the boys are eating. I look at my perfect target and sit next to Niall. He is about to take a bite of his burger when I snatch it from his hand and take a huge bite. He looks like his dog just died and he found out he was adopted, thats how sad he looked. I'm so mean but I love them.

"HEYYYY that was mine!" Niall yells while grabbing two more burgers from the sack. This boy eats more than anyone I know and yet, he is still light as a feather. I just don't get it.

"Sharing is caring," I say and plop myself on the stool between Niall and Louis.

"Skylar! How did the prank go? Did his hair turn pink? I bet he was furious wasn't he? Does it loo-" Louis says, he is about to say more when I cut him off.

"Dude you ask to many damn questions, one at a time please," I say and he laughs. "OKAY geez, someones rude," he says.

"What did you say?" I ask in my intimidating voice. I look at him and he looks frightened out of his pants.

"I said you're lovely and a great friend," he tells me. Yeah, I have that a effect on people.

"That's what I thought you said," I say with a smile and steal one of his fries. Man, I am like the food thief around here.

First chapter might suck:( Please tell me what to you think about this book, let me know if I should continue or not (:

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