"I Became Breathless in a Single Moment"

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The next morning, I woke up extra early just to decide on what I was going to wear to this wedding Trent was dragging me to. I had no clue on how to do my hair or even what dress was appropriate. When was the last time I'd even been to a wedding? Nathaniel's wedding came to mind, but I was a bridesmaid. There was a complete difference from being in a wedding and being a part of a wedding.

Chewing on my toast, I glanced at my phone, debating on whether or not to call Trent and ask. I picked up my phone and went to his number. Before pressing the little green telephone though, I decided against it. I wanted whatever I wore to be a surprise to him. He'd seen me casually dressed up, but never in full glam mode. Instead, I clicked on Savannah's name. Selecting the little speaker phone option, I slid off of the stool, dropping my dish into the sink. I gulped down the rest of my orange juice as the phone rang.

"Hey girl, hey." Sav greeted. There was wind in the background, making me believe she was driving.

"Hola girly. I have a dilemma." I replied, clicking my nails on the countertop. The sound of her blinker clicking caught my attention. "Where are you on your way to?"

"Um... I'm on my way to the grocery store." Savannah hesitated a little. I brushed it off, assuming that she was focused on driving. "What is your problem my love?"

"Trent's friend is having a wedding today and I'm expected to be there. I have no idea what to wear."

"I'm sorry, did you just mention Trent? Who is Trent?"

I froze, remembering I hadn't told her about him completely yet. When I tried calling her to tell her about my date, she'd been busy with Jacob. I even forgot to tell her about our date the other day. "The guy I met on the boardwalk, remember?" I tried to play it off. Savannah sucked her teeth.

"I didn't know you actually pursued him, E. That's good! How many dates have you two been on? I know I've been so busy dealing with my own shit, and I'm sorry I haven't been calling to check up on you. We'll fix that." Savannah promised. I picked my cuticles with a sigh. I knew that she was saying all of this because of what almost happened seven years ago. I wished for Savannah to realize that I didn't need her checking up on me all the time.

"Sav, it's fine. I've been working and busy with my own stuff too. Who knew it would be so impossible for me to see you when we literally live like twenty minutes away from each other?" I laughed lightly. "It's still really new, and you know that I'm still scared and being careful. But besides my crippling fear of actually falling in love with him, it's been fun so far." I blew out a breath, whisking my nerves to the back of my mind. Now wasn't the time to be thinking about my problems.

"Erin just relax. Let him take care of a lot of the shit my brother couldn't do." She replied breezily. I heart stalled at the mention of Dominic. I stared down my phone in silence, waiting for her to catch her slip. "Shit, I'm sorry. It's just Dominic called me the other day asking about you again... I didn't tell him anything." Involuntarily my hands started to shake, thinking about him actually asking about me.

"So um... like I was saying, I don't know what to wear to this wedding." I walked into my room, feeling heat rise all over my body. Relax, please. Thankfully, Sav dropped the whole topic.

"Just wear that light blue and gold dress. You look amazing in it." Savannah said easily. I ran a hand through my mess of hair, walking into my closet and searching for the dress. I found it hanging in the very back of my closet, in perfect condition. "Erin?"

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