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We walked into Gears' room. He stared.

"Welcome Togs..."

Then all of us got out of our suits...


Gears got out of his seat and glared at us...

"The time has come for toons to fall and for robots to rise"

"I don't think so..." Smirky said

We got into battle. All eight against Gears...

All of us tried to lure, but it was hopeless...

He kept hitting us with these high level attacks

Smirky was at the lowest laff. He had 11 laff left.

Oh Gods Smirky...

I used a high dive toon up.

Then Frizzy used a level 8 lure which finally worked...

Then we alll went in with a level 8 throw gag...

Gears twisted and turned and exploded...

We all did a victory dance, until...

"Systems Down... Repair Mode Unable To Commence. System restarting..."

We heard that from Gears' head...

Then his head turned to us...

"Toons... You may have won this round, but be warned... The Chairman doesn't play and will most certainly be merciless to you. If you don't defeat him he will activate a dangerous machine which will whip out all of ToonTown..."

"Why are you telling us this?" Frizzy asks

"Because I know that you won't win. I just wanted to add stress to that crappy group you call a team..."

"Hold on... The Chairman's more powerful than you?"

"Affirmative. And the only reason you toons won was because I wasn't prepared to be battling 8 toons in my HQ... Now... I wish you all Bad Luck. Good bye..."

"System restart unsuccessful... System shutting down..."

And Gears' red eyes disappeared and left behind a hollow robotic head...

"Okay... We might as well head back to ToonTown Central and report this to Flippy... Then we'll come back..." Lefty said

"Kk" I replied

We all used a Teleport Hole and teleported to TTC... We all went to the Toon Hall...

Flippy looked surprised to see us

"You guys back already? You finished?"

"Nope, We defeated Gears... But..." Kong

"We need to tell you something..." Fireball said


"The Chairman is going to activate a dangerous machine to destroy ToonTown. We advise you to evacuate the Toons in case we don't defeat him before the machine's activated..." Toonerz said

"Okay. I'll evacuate the area..."

"Okay. Guys let's head back..." Fat Tubby said

We all made a gloomy trip back to CogNation, where we stood at the doorway to the building that the Chairman was residing in.

"Okay, Let's go in..." I cheered, which brightened up the mood a bit

When we opened the door however...

"Oh Gods..." Frizzy said when we looked inside

"That's a very... Dangerous... Area..." I said


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