Chapter one- <3Terry<3

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I woke up and got dressed for school. I rode my ratchet bus to school then I ate breakfast. When I left the cafeteria here comes Bonquisha. "I can't wait to get out of this ratchet school," said Brenna. Brenna is one of my best friends.

She's very ghetto so I call her Bonquisha. "I know right this school is cheap and ratchet. UGH!! I cant stand it." I said. Then Terry passed by. "Oh there goes Terry, your boyfriend." Bre said mockingly.

"Shut up he's your boyfriend." Me and Bre have the same crush on Terry. You might think that's kind of awkward, but it's not, because we both know we don't have a chance with him. Terry likes white girls, and he's black so yeah. Anyway Terry is in advance classes and we're not so we don't really see him a lot, well I do sometimes because me and Terry are both in band so jokes on Bre.

The bell ranged at 9:30 and I went to 2nd period. And I just wait and wait until time for lunch. At lunch I sit with Gabby, A'miyah, Cadance, Mabel, and D'Andrea. When I got my lunch I rushed to the table they was sitting at.

"OMG GUYS, GUESS WHO I SAW THIS MORNGING!!" I said excitedly hoping they would guess the right person.

"Kendrick Lamar?" D'Andrea guessed.


"Nicki Minaj?" he guessed again. I shuck my head.

"Oh I know Miley Cyrus."

"The hell D'Andrea? No. I saw TERRY!" I screamed. All of them groaned.

"Here she go again with that nigga again" D'Andrea complained.

"Can you get over him?" Gabby asked meanly.

"You will never going to go out with him, its never going to happen." A'Miyah added.

"Don't say that because it might happen" I corrected. "Girl you know that boy only likes white girls" Gabby said. I wanted to slap everyone at that table. I know Terry doesn't like me but they don't need to be mean to me about it. "Guys don't make me feel bad" I said calmly about to cry.

Then I just put my trash in the trash can and went to the restroom for the rest of lunch. When lunch was over I went to third period, which is reading. "Take out your books and begin silent reading," said Mrs. Macy my reading teacher. Let me tell you something about that lady, every time she's about to tell us about an assignment she says "Here goes" and a high pitched voice, all the time everyday day. Sometimes we, mock her because its so annoying.

Now, when she gets mad her voice change completely. She sounds like a complete man like omg. Another thing, that lady is races. There was this new student and she asked him "Did you have a lot of black kids at your old school?" And the kid said not really, and Mrs. Macy said "Well welcome to my world." Was that races or was that just me?

I don't like that lady. So I was reading my book and then I realized that Terry had Mrs. Macy next period. So my dumb self decided to leave my gym bag in his sit and when next period comes I can come back to get my gym bag from him. So the period ended and I did my planned as followed. I went to my next class which is gym.

When the tardy bell ranged. I told my couch that I left my gym bag in Mrs. Macy's class, so she let me go get it. When I got there I saw kids surrounding Terry and laughing. When they realized I was in the classroom they got quite.

I saw Terry quickly put a book in my bag and gave it to me. I quickly walked out the classroom, and I looked to see what book he put in my bag, and it was my dairy.

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