He loves Me

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I walked out of the house and behind me was Colanda.

"Danesha what the hell was that!" Colanda screamed at me.

"Colanda I don't want to talk right know." I said to her hoping she will leave me alone. Then she walked away. 

"Danesha you did it. Are you okay?" Bre ran to me saying.

"Yeah I'm fine I just want to go home." I responded. I called my mom to pick us up, so I can go home.


                                                              *** Sunday Morning***


Every Saturday I either go to the mall or the beach. So I decided to go to the mall. So I called up my besties: Bre, Sarah, Rico, A'miyah. Sarah and Rico are my very best friends that been with me every since I was little. So while I was calling them I saw that Terry was blowing up my notifications on instagram.

I just ignored it. Anyway I took a shower got dressed and picked up my friends so we can hit the mall. "Lets listen to some music its so dull in here." Bre complained.

"Put on 95.5." Rico suggested.

"Umm I'm black, I don't listen to that mess." Bre complained again.

"No put on 107.4." A'miyah said.

"I'm not old." I said. "How 'bout I just put in a CD.?" And they all agreed. When I put in the CD, "My Nigga" played and we all sung along to that.

                                   " I said that I'm a ride for my motherfucking niggas,

                                    Most likely I'm a die with my finger on the trigger

                                    I've been grinding outside, all day with my niggas

                                    And I ain't going in, unless I'm with my nigga

                                    My nigga, my nigga

                                    My nigga, my nigga (My motherfucking niggas!)

                                    My nigga, my nigga (My nigga, my nigga)

                                    My nigga, my nigga"

After a couple of songs, we was a the mall. The first store we went to was Areopostale. And we each bought a couple of shirts. Then we went to the food court because it was lunch time an we was all hungry. As we was walking I saw Terry.

He was staring right at me. I just gave him a dirty look and looked away because I'm done with him. At the food court we had Asian food. that orange chicken doe. While I was eating Terry pasted by me and gave a smile, then he got on top of a table a lady was eating on.

"Ladies and gentleman can I please have your undivided attention. I would like to take this time to recite a poem by Emily Wimetal to this wonderful girl I had a crush on every since I met her." Terry said to everybody in the food court. Then he looked at me. On the outside I'm like "What is this child doing he's embarrassing his self." But on the inside I'm like "OH MY FUCKING GOD, HES TALKING ABOUT ME. HE LIKES ME!!!" but I have to keep it cool you know play it off.

"Danesha he's talking about you." Sarah hinted to me.

"I know." I said back with an attitude because I'm not suppose to like him.

"From the first time I laid eyes on you,

I felt something inside, and hoped that you did too.

That night I dreamed about me and you,

wishing that when I wake it would come true.

You have been on my mind,

ever since I met you that first time.

I tried to get you out of my head,

but my heart told me to like you instead.

Being next to you I feel like I'm in heaven,

Give me a chance and I'll adore you twenty four-seven.

I hope you see that we were meant to be,

Please... will you go out with me?" Terry said as he walked to me.

He got on one knee and pulled out a ring, and everyone I mean everybody in the whole food court gasped.

"Will you please go out with me?" he asked again.

"Say yes." Sarah said.

"Yeah say yes." A'miyah added.

 Di que sí y luego lo atornille la cama"!" this Mexican guy yelled at me. (Btw he said "Say yes then screw him in the bed").

"FOR THE LOVE OF GOD SAY YES.!!" Bre yelled at me. By the pressure people put me on I finally said yes. He put the ring on my right finger and kissed me on the cheek.


Sorry my story is kind of boring but trust I know what my story is going to be about, and trust me is going to be good. One more thing, if you don't like my story or think its boring don't go to my face and say "Its really good" when you know it sucks because I know your lying and I hate liars. That just goes for the people that knows me.     


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2014 ⏰

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