Protect Pt. 1

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Taehyung was currently at skool, coloring quietly in the corner. He was the one kid that stayed back and only had a few he would open up too. He didn't  even open up to the teachers until a few weeks ago.

"Okay children! It's recess time!" One of the teachers cheered and all the other children ran out beside Jimin and Taehyung. Jimin ran over to his twin.

"Cmon Tae Tae! Let's go play" Jimin smiled

Oh but Taehyung wasn't smiling, he was actually frowning

"Tae Tae?"

Taehyung didn't like recess, Jimin usually ran off to play on the slide with his new friends while Taehyung was left alone. And recently kids have found it funny to pick on him, calling him an "alien" and making fun of his clinginess towards his twin.


"Stay" he spoke

Jimin looked confused "is Tae Tae sure?"

Taehyung jus nodded and went back to coloring

Jimin just smiled and ruffled his twin's hair "okay.. bye Tae Tae" he said and disappeared out the door

Taehyung was almost finished with his drawling of his family when his paper was ripped away from him. Taehyung squeaked out in surprise and looked up. Oh no, it was the boys from third grade again. Coming to pick on him once again

"Look at this" on of them said with a snicker plastered on his face

"Wow.. is this your family alien?"

Taehyung started to tear up, he just wanted his drawing back

"Oh look the freak is crying!!"

"Not so tough with out your protecter of a brother are you alien?"

The one holding the paper smirked then ripped the drawing in half as Taehyung was crying now

"Here ya go" the boy said and he dropped the pieces on the floor, Taehyung crawled over to them and took them into his arms.

"Tae Tae I forgots my j- Hey!!" Jimin had came back as he thoughtlessly left his jam- Jacket, thankfully he did because he saw what was going on

"What are you doings?!" Jimin screamed as he ran over to his twin and stood on front of him. Jimin normally would be terrified if a group of third graders came up to him, but when you mess with Tae you get the jamless wrath of Jimin

"Oh look! It's the alien's protec- OW!!" The kid screamed as he felt a tiny yet powerful fist smash into his nose

"Don't touch my Tae Tae" Jimin growled

Thankfully a teacher from the class over heard all the clamor and decided to investigate what all was going on. And that's how all of them got a call home, and their parents were on their way

I've missed this story

- Minji

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