Protect Pt 2

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"Namjoon Jimin hit a kid!! That's not okay!" Jin said while Namjoon was driving them to the skool

"I know I know, but Chim chim wouldn't just hit sombody. He's a sweetheart, couldn't hurt a fly without a reason and you know that. Plus Taehyung is apart of this too, you know Jimin is protective when it comes to tigger." Namjoon defended

Jin sighed "maybe.. I just can't believe Jimin hit a kid! He's only three!!"

Namjoon sighed as well "We just need to hear what happened and take it from there. I'm sure there is a reason for Jimin's Violence"

"Your right"

Namjoon smiled and placed his and on Jin's thigh

Jin smiled a bit then looked out the window, pondering about what their sons had done


"Namjoon? Jin?" The principle said and came out of her office

Namjoon and Jin nodded as they walked in. Bowing to the parents of the boy who bullied Taehyung

"Yes hi, I hope my sons haven't put you through too much trouble" Namjoon chuckled

The principle smiled a bit then sat down at her desk. Jin and Namjoon sat down.  As soon as they did, Jimin and Tae came into the office

Jin gave them a stern look but Namjoon motioned them over. Tae came running and jumped into His mother's lap while Jimin slowly crawled into Namjoon's lap

"So.. What happened between my sons and your boy?" Namjoon asked

"Your son got out of control and hit my poor kid!" The farther exclaimed

Jin scoffed "Oh? And your son didn't do anything to my kid? Jimin wouldn't hit somebody without a reason. And that reason is Taehyung! So your son must've provoked him!"

Namjoon realized Jin was getting angry so he placed his hand on his husband's thigh to calm him. Jin realized he was getting worked up, so he took a deep breathe and tried to relax a bit

"Our son wouldn't hurt a fly! He's the sweetest boy on this Earth!" Said the mother

Namjoon was getting a bit annoyed now, he was about to speak but the principal stepped in

"Let's have the children talk shall we? Since it's rumored that Taehyung was being bullied let's ask him. Taehyung? Could you please share with us your story?"

Taehyung wiggled uncomfortably in his mother's lap, he did not like talking in front of strangers, or even talking more then a few words

Jimin noticed how his brother was uncomfortable was so he climbed off Namjoon's lap and grabbed the boy's backpack. He then pulled out a stuffed lion

Taehyung saw was Jimin was doing and watched with wide eyes. He really loved his brother

Jimin was then lifted back into His fathers lap

"Here Tae" Jimin spoke and handed Tae his favorite plushy

Taehyung then relaxed and hugged his toy before beginning to talk

"M-makes fun of me" Taehyung said and pointed to the boy

Jimin made a noise that sounded like a growl as he hated that He only now realized that kid bullied his brother

Namjoon whispered something quietly into the boy's ear before letting Taehyung continue

"R-ripped Family drawing..."

Taehyung continued telling his story in small sentences. But it was clear what he was trying to say

Once he was finished Jimin was fuming and his parents were quite unhappy as well

The principal turned to the other family who still looked like they were holding on to as much dignity as they could find

"What do have to say young man? Did you rip apart Taehyung's drawing and call him names?" The principal asked

"Our son didn't do th-" the father was cut off as his son spoke up

"I-I did.."

"What?! Hyun" His mother raised her voice at her son

The principal nodded

"Thank you for being honest. Jimin, do not hit people anymore okay?? If you do it again you'll get in big trouble"

Jimin nodded and the principal turned to Jin and Namjoon

"Thank you for coming out here. I'm sorry for what happened"

"No not at all" Namjoon spoke then bowed the principal and then Hyun's parents

Jin also bowed then carried Tae out of the room

Namjoon held onto Jimin's hand as they walked out

"Let's get ice cream to make up for the bad day?" Suggested Namjoon

And that instantly put a smile on all of their faces


I have too go on a skool trip so I won't update anything till Friday. So yehet✌🏻

- Minji

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