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The night was December first the first snow of the year started to fall, the cool wind in my face as I gazed outwardly at outside in hope that I may someday be more than nothing. For years I have been in the shadow of my elder sister Dawn, she is the reason I have been resented by the villagers for since I could remember. My name is Nyx, my sister and I are to be the rulers of night and day that is me the night and Dawn the day. The people of the village have never scene me or for all they know I don’t exist. My sister and I haven’t talked personally in years and I haven’t even spoken in a whole year now so Im always alone. I dream of escaping from this rechide place so I can be free from all the ignorant, impudent little swine whom don’t even know I exist. The moon above me gives me life in a drury existence in which I have no purpose Dawn has the power to do my raising of the moon and stars every night so I have no reason to be here at all. The only thing keeping me here is the promise that I shall rule the day Dawn is dethroned, now the only comfort is a small tune our mother gave to me in sweet lullabies as a small child before her death that is. She died the day of my birth but I still remember her soft voice from the lullaby when she first held me in her arms. My father died in a war against the shadow kingdom from the far eastern regions of the land called Leor I never met him. But even though I’m unappreciated I have a plan to take control of Leor for good.

Chapter One:   NIGHT AT NOON

It is noon the sun is directly overhead and it’s time to execute my plan.

Today is June 21 and I shall create a total eclipse of the sun, during such an event Dawns power of the sun shall transfer to me as my lunar powers would overtake hers.

The night shall last forever for she shall be powerless to me her younger sister Nyx.

The hour approaches and I am ready to destroy the day forever. Dawn is stepping up at the podium and about to give her speech to the villagers, this is the time, I lung and tackle her on the stage, where the crowds of people look at me terrified and nervous that I’ll kill her but I shan’t, instead I moved the moon across the day star overhead so every one may see the wonderous powers of my night. And then I have an approaching feeling that I’ve never felt before now. I suddenly just let my anger out my eyes closed, my voice loud, my heart beating, for once in my life I felt alive. An hour past, and my eyes opened my sister on the ground lieing dead, with her crown next to her, her eyes closed and the villagers all gone, but then I see a strange figure standing in front of me.

Chapter Two: The shadow maid

I run to meet the shadow in the dead of night I suspect. Then out of the blue I wake up. Abrubtly, I search the castle and find Dawn laying in her bed still breathing. I give out a sigh of relief then go to shut the window where the winter moon shined and the wind blew. Then I see her, the shadow from my dream. She was tall and gaunt. Her shadow like hair short and straight her clothes were armor and her skin was as pale and pure as the moon at midnight. The same I had seen in the moons glow each night and as I could see she was on the roof of my room’s tower.

I’m wondering why she would have entered my dreams, I had never seen her in my life up until tonight. But then I disregarded it as me still a small bit asleep. So I go back to bed.

That wasn’t the last time I saw her in my life, yesterday in the grand hall I saw a glimpse of her in a stain glass window. She wasn’t wereing any armor she was wereing a silk dress and had a crown of silver and sapphires I knew her name but I couldn’t place her in my mind. I asked Dawn about her at dinner and all she said was that the shadow women was a former queen but she didn’t say which so I decided to head to the royal Katocombes but found nothing, until I noticed that there was a page missing from all the books, all that was left in each was the title, (Queen Nightmare Moon), I had never heard that name before so I went to my tutor whom decided to actualy tell me. And here’s what he said.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2014 ⏰

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