Chapter 2

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Harry's POV

No, no, no, no, no! I can't go to Louis's house to tutor him! I can barely look at him without staring! He's just to perfect! But he hates me. He hates 'fags'. He's been bulling me ever since I came out and yet, I still manage to have a crush on him. I'm so pathetic! I hope his family's nice so they'll at least call the ambulance when I get beat up. I hope I'm not there alone! Oh god! No, no, no, no- I need to stop before I have a panic attack, right here right now out of nowhere.

I walked into the lunchroom and spotted my one and only friend, Zayn. We've been friends since he moved here when he was in Year 11. He sat at my table one day (which was weird because he was two years older than me), I was all alone because my friends Cher and Josh had detention for passing notes and my other friend Nick was sick so I was all alone.

Zayn sat with me and we started talking. I never questioned him about what made him sit with me because I never really cared. He was my only friend who didn't ditch me because I'm gay. I guess it's true when they say 'tough times bring out true friends.' or 'true friends don't leave when things get tough.' But he's a senior now and I won't graduate for another two years. I don't know if I can survive high school without my guardian angel, but I won't think about that now.

I walked over to our table and sat down. No one else sat with us. Zayn has a few other friends but none of them sat with us because no one wants to sit with the 'fag'.

"Harry? Are you okay?" Zayn asked probably noticing the tears in my eyes. I blinked them away and smiled.

"Yeah, just grateful, I guess."


"Because you're the best-est friend any one could wish for." I gushed.

"Yeah, yeah. I know." Zayn smiled.

"So... how was your day?" I asked trying to start conversation.

"Good. Yours?"

I gulped. "F-fine." I stuttered and Zayn studied me.

"What's wrong?" Zayn asked concerned before his eyes widened with realization, "Did Louis beat you up again!?" Zayn asked angrily. He always became furious if Louis did something to me. He looks like he could kill someone when he's that mad, but he never does anything. It's weird because he has beaten people up for calling me names and stuff but he never touched my main bully. I never asked why because it'll make me sound ungrateful for what he already does.

I sighed, "No. It's just that." I sighed again before continuing, "I have to be a tutor." I mumbled but Zayn heard me.

"For?" He pressed.

"Louis." I mumbled again but Zayn again heard me.

"What!? Why!?" He yelled making a few people turn their heads towards us, some giving me looks of disgust.

I shushed him before continuing, "My counselor thinks I'm too 'antisocial' so he said he was going to make me sign up for a sports team or club. I didn't want to so I said n'. Since he's my counselor he knows my grades, and others too. He said there was a student failing biology and he wanted me to tutor them or else he was going to sign me up for a sports team or club. Since I was good at biology I said yes. I didn't know it was going to be Louis though!"

"Oh. Just, when are you guys meeting?" Zayn questioned.

"Monday, after school, his house."

"His house!?" Zayn raised his voice again annoyed.

"Yes! I'm tutoring him! It makes sense!" I explained.

"I understand just, be safe, 'kay? Call me if you need me." Zayn tried to smile but it looked more like a grimace. I sighed but nodded.

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