Chapter 5

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Harry's POV

I got to school at my normal time and got my normal name calling and the occasional shove. I walked to my locker and grabbed my books and made my way to class. On my way there I saw Zayn and stopped. I waited for him to see me and when he did he smiled.

"Hey Harry."

"Hey, Zaynie. I have to tell you something at lunch." Zayn eyed me curiously before nodding. We walked in the direction of our classes before waving goodbye and heading to our own classes. I was earlier than the rest of the class so I was able to have my seat by the window. People started pouring in moments later and soon the classroom was buzzing with noise. Mr. Tutz came in a few moments before the bell.

"Settle down," The classroom went quiet and Mr. Tutz continued, "So today we're doing a project-" Mr. Tutz was cut off by the door opening. In came an exhausted looking Louis. "Mr. Tomlinson, you're late."

"Sorry, overslept."

"Okay, but one more time and it's a detention." Mr. Tutz warned and Louis rolled his eyes half way but stopped when Mr. Tutz gave him a 'don't. you. dare.' look, and gave him a sarcastic smile instead before heading to his usual seat in the back of the class. I couldn't help but notice how sexy his butt looked in those skinny jeans. I looked back at the front of the class and Mr. Tutz started speaking again.

"As I was saying, we're going to be working on a project. I want you guys to write an essay about one of your heroes," The class all groaned, "You get to work with a partner and you can choose who they are." I internally groaned.

Who's going to sit next to me? I would consider Louis but I don't completely believe he's being my friend willingly. It's probably a bet or something. They're just going to learn some embarrassing stuff about me so that they can use it to make fun of.  Or he's just trying to make a fool out of me. He's just trying to make me think he wants to be my friend. Why would he want to be my friend anyway? Who goes from a complete homophobic to a person who accepts them in four days? A person who's being dared to, that's who.

"Need a partner?" I looked up shocked that someone wanted to be my partner and my thoughts were proved somewhat wrong because Louis did ask to be my partner. I nodded and he smiled. A genuine smile. Weird. "So who do you want to write about?" Louis asked grabbing a paper and pen.

"I don't know, who do you want to write about?" I asked.

"I don't know. What do we have in common?" Louis asked.

"How will that help anything?" I asked.

"So we can find someone with a common interest of ours. Go."

"I-I don't know," I shrugged.

"Since you're being so damn difficult, we're doing a football player," Louis decided as he wrote someone's name down. I shrugged again a listened as Louis began to tell me about the person.


I sat down at my familiar seat at my familiar table. Zayn was looking at me expectantly while I ate my sandwich. "Well?" he questioned.

"What?" I asked playing dumb.

"What did you want to tell me?"

"Oh!" I said mock-realization and Zayn rolled his eyes, "Louis wants to be friends."

"With who?"

"With me!"

"W-what? Why?" Zayn stuttered. He looked shocked yet angry.

"Gee, thanks." I replied sarcastically.

"You know what I mean."

"Enlighten me."

"He always bullied you because you're gay, and all of a sudden he's accepting of gays and wants to be friends with the guy he bullied ever since he came out?" Zayn's voice raised with each word. By the time he was done he was practically screaming and I had to shush him before I continued.

"I don't get it either but... if it means no more bulling than I don't care."

"What about Liam?" Zayn raised an eyebrow.

"Louis said he talked to him." I explained with a small smile and Zayn hummed in response. "You okay?"

"Yeah, just be careful, okay?"  Zayn asked still looking suspicious. I smiled and nodded and we continued our lunch period talking about happier topics.


I walked through the corridor and out the school. I was making my way through the car park when a voice stopped me.

"Are you coming?" I turned around and saw Louis watching me expectantly. I smiled a small smile and walked over towards his car. I got in the passenger’s seat and Louis started the car. "So... how was school?"

"Okay. I have a few essays to write that are due in a week or so but besides that, fine." I answered shrugging.

"Essays? What essays?"

"Well ours, but that we're doing together, history and bio."

"Really? I don't have those."

"Well we're not in the same Year." Louis looked at me confused and I answered his unasked question, "I'm in honors English."

"Oh...." We spent the rest of the ride in silence. It wasn't awkward, but it wasn't comfortable either, just silent. When we got out we went inside the house and took off our shoes and were about to head upstairs but Lottie and a girl who looks like her came down the stairs followed by two identical twin girls.

"Louis!" The twin girls screamed and hugged his legs. Lottie and the other girl waved at Louis but the second girl furrowed her eyebrows when she saw me.

"Who's this?" She asked.

"Harry that's Fizzy," Louis gestured towards the girl known as Fizzy, what's up with these names? Lottie, Fizzy? Weird names. He pointed to the girls on his legs and introduced them, "And Phoebe and Daisy." He looked at the girls and said, "Girls, that's Harry."

"Hello Harry." Fizzy greeted and stuck out her hand which I shook with a smile.

"Harry?" Phoebe, I think, asked getting off Louis leg and hugging mine. "Hi! I'm Phoebe!"

"Hello, love." I greeted and she blushed. Wait what! I made her blush!? Wow. Okay...

"What are you doing here? You came over yesterday and Louis said you came over on Monday and Tuesday as well." Lottie asked.

"What? I can't have a friend over for four days straight?" Louis snapped.

"Calm down tiger, I was just curious." Lottie put her hands up in defense. Louis rolled his eyes and grabbed my arm pulling into his room. I closed the door behind me and sat on the desk chair I usually sit at.

"Why didn't you tell them I was your tutor?" I asked my curiosity getting the best of me.

"Because they'll just tease me and I don't need that shit." Louis groaned and I nodded. He laid down on his bed like he always does and I took out my books. "So... when can we make those cupcakes?" Louis asked out of the blue.

"Uh... I don't know." I shrugged.

Louis thought for a second, "How ‘bout Saturday?"

Saturday? I'm going job hunting that day, "Can't, busy. Sunday?" I asked.

"Can't I'm busy." Louis thought again before snapping his fingers, "Can you do whatever you're doing Saturday, on Friday?"

"Uh.. yeah but I'm tutoring you Friday."

"We can cancel Friday's lesson so you can do whatever you have to do and we can bake our cupcakes Saturday!" Louis put his hands in the 'ta-da' form. I laughed and nodded.

"Is this your way of getting out of tutoring on Friday?"

Louis shrugged, "Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. I don't know." Louis mimicked a New York accent and I fell off my chair laughing because it was terrible. When I finally stopped laughing we got to work.

Maybe this friendship thing might work.

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