The Game

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Sorry for the random pic. I just thought it was funny.
The next day, everyone was having their breakfast without Nono. Most of the students were excited for the fact that they might have the chance to meet more hot bosses or better, Vongola Decimo. The chattering continued until someone barged into the dining room and the arcobaleno were not there at the moment.

"Who is that?" whispered a student.

"He actually looks hot." whispered another.

Tsuna's face was priceless. He slowly slumped on his chair hoping to not get noticed by the mysterious gentleman.

Then, one very brave and "polite" boy asked the man,"Excuse me, but who are you and what is your business here?"

"Curious are we? Well, I'm searching for my tu-I mean a student called Sawada Tsunayoshi. And you guys could call me Iemitsu, for now." said the mysterious man.

"What!? Dame-tsuna!? Why? He's right there" screamed Mochida as he pointed to Tsuna's chair where he was slumping.

"Wait what did you call him?" said Iemitsu as he cracked his knuckles and released a suffocating killing intent.

"N-nothing." stuttered Mochida even though he still sounded courageously.

There was a few seconds of awkward silence until Iemitsu screamed out "Tuna- fish~!!!!!", then everyone sweatdropped. As Iemitsu was running to Tsuna's seat, Tsuna quickly stood up and started to run around the huge dining room saying ,"Nope nope nope nope nope!" while being followed by Iemitsu.

This continued on for about few seconds until Colonello, Lal and Reborn came into the room and saw what was happening.

"Iemitsu, just stop chasing Sawada." said Lal.

Tsuna finally stopped as he breathed in relief, but Iemitsu took that chance and immediately hugged Tsuna.

"Tuna- fish~!!!! I missed you!!" exclaimed Iemitsu.

'Is this yaoi or what?' thought the students.

"Um... t-this is not what you think it is." stuttered Tsuna.

"Stop stuttering, dame-tsuna." said Reborn.

"I came right away when they said that you came here with you classmates." said Iemitsu.

"Sorry, but what is your relationship between da-Sawada?" asked Yumoto.

"Father-son relationship." said Iemitsu, smiling.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

"S-so Iemitsu-san, w-what is your occupation?" asked another student.

"Um... I guess oil mining." said Iemitsu.

'He's still using that excuse!?' thought Tsuna.

"Hah, expected of da-Tsuna's dad." said everyone else while laughing.

Then, Reborn spoke up,

"Class will start soon, so I advise everyone to prepare for their classes for their next 2 weeks. And dame-tsuna, you better get going cause you have a lot of work waiting for you."

Then, Tsuna sighed.

They (the students excluding the Vongola gang) continued their studies until the 18th of February and they were dumb enough to not notice that Tsuna and Enma were never in their classes. The ex-arcobalenos had fun 'teaching' (ehem*torturing*ehem) his classmates after learning that they were bullying Tsuna.

《2 weeks later, Feb 19》

It was breakfast and everyone were already tired of the lessons they got when they first arrived here.

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