Reign Thoughts

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I want to snap her neck in half.. No no.. Why am I thinking of this... She's so fucking annoying! Blah blah blah.. Bitch.. Die..

His eyebrow twitched but kept his cool, the light of the cigarette between his lips burning as he walked down the dark streets. Dreadful scent of the girl's cheap perfume made his nose scrunch up. She talked on about... What is she talking about? But he didn't care.

"so then he dumped me and I'm like "I don't care you're not worth it" and he-"

The girl didn't even notice they had walked straight into an alleyway but she sure did felt someone punch her right in the face. So hard she lost her front teeth and got a broken nose as she went flying her back almost breaking as she landed on the garbage can.

"you're more beautiful quiet... But sadly..-" The male approached her wasted body and burned her cheek with the cigarette, pressing hard on her soft yet bleeding flesh as she cried out in pain "you're a whore sweetie.." he flicked the last remains of the cigarette as he backed away from her.

The night seems very beautiful and exotic tonight.. All those stars shining brightly upon me.. The male figure thought.

Nobody in the streets heard the screams and the shouts of help.


Bow tie?.Check.
Not too short skirt? Check.
All buttons in the correct place? Check.
Everything necessary for school?. Check.
Remember how to spell your name? Check.

It was a weird habit you had. Always making sure you were prepared. On and on you thought about it giving you very good memory of everything. Mostly you loved spending time alone. You were already a failure of trying to make friends because you thought of yourself very unusual. So lost in the negativity of your thoughts you didn't notice the two male figures up ahead going opposite direction and suddenly bumped in between them.

"oh hey (y/n), good morning" you mumbled back a "good morning" to the cheerful Kakyoin Noriaki as he moved aside so you could walk in between him... And the fearsome Jotaro Kujo. Girls from afar stared in distance, some staring at either kakyoin or jotaro with loved sick faces while you earned hate from them. Another reason why you didn't have much girl friends.

You three kept on walking towards the school building in silence as you stared on the ground memorizing all the subjects your learned yesterday sometimes mumbling under your breath although they didn't seem to care. You knew Kakyoin admired your determination in some things, he even had admitted on a hot summer after scores where admitted. "You did great (y/n) you're a really intelligent and interesting girl" it had made you blush furiously but what had made your smile and the feeling of being proud disappear was that from afar you could have sworn there was someone watching you. It made the hairs in your arms and the back of your neck stand up. The eyes of the person lurking in the shadows was the opposite of good.

Snapping back to reality from the flashback you noticed Kakyoin missing.
You turned your head left and right before speaking "Where's kak-"

"He has math class first hour remember?" Jotaro spoke as if bored walking closely next to you, the hallway almost deserted. "Right.. " You sighed under your breath but your heart.. Was beating fast.. Too fast.. And you felt your face heating up.
This scent..his shoulder making contact with mine.. Just us.. In this long never ending hallway..

In reality, you were in love with Jotaro. Was it because he was good-looking, broody and strong? Was it his personality that attracted you the most? You would never understand why your heart felt only for him.

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