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You stretched your arms, sitting up from your bed. Usually, your pillows had fallen off the bed and the blankets were messy. Sunlight streamed through the curtains.
That's right... It's the weekend.
You reached for your cellphone on the drawer next to your bed. After deleting unimportant notifications you noticed 5 text messages.
Oh boy let's see..

One from Polnareff
Josuke.. I don't have the guts to talk to him right now
Rohan.. Oh god, he is probably furious
Jonathan Joestar.
You couldn't help but smile.
Mr.Joestar was hated by your father but he cared for you and Dio.

From: Mr. Joestar

Dear (your name),

I apologize for this early message but I do hope for you to visit sometime. My wife, Erina, would be happy to see you and so would I.

Jonathan Joestar

You chuckled. The way he wrote text messages was both cute and funny. It wouldn't hurt visiting him, he's like a second father to me.
Making your decision, you stood up and headed to the bathroom.


It was a beautiful day out and coincidentally Kira was driving along the street when he noticed you walking on the sidewalk as you looked at your cellphone.

He slowed down and honked startling you. Kira's car window slid down and he lowered his head down a bit looking at you. "(your name)! What a lovely day right?."

"indeed it is Mr.Kira" you replied and put a strand of your hair behind your ear not knowing that it made Kira get a bit aroused.
"Where are you heading?. Perhaps I can give you a ride..?" He suggested.
You looked to both sides. Maybe it'll take me less time to get to Jonathan's house.. So why not? Kira is just my teacher.

You nodded your head as he unlocked the door and you headed inside his car.


"So Jotaro.. I heard that you.. Might have a crush on (your name)" Kakyoin said rather awkwardly, holding a cherry flavored soda. Jotaro grunted and kept tapping on his cellphone.

"Stop-messing-with-Avdol!" Polnareff whined as he tried pushing Avdol off him as he tried messing with Polnareff's hair.
"Hey!" Joseph shouted as he walked towards them a goofy smile on his face.
Kakyoin waved back.
"So, Jonathan is having a family gathering and we got invited" Joseph said as he took a seat next to Kakyoin. The sun was shining down on them and there was very little wind but not bothersome enough to be in the park. "Oh goody, is Caesar going?" Polnareff taunted.
A slight blush formed on his cheeks. "Yes, but that's because his grandfather is also going!" Joseph exclaimed.
Polnareff and Kakyoin shared a laugh and Avdol shook his head.
"What were you guys doing anyways?" Joseph asked.
"We were talking about Jotaro's dry love relationship" Kakyoin sighed as if disappointed. "A lot of girls swoon for him yet he's not interested"

"But he got an eye for (your name)" Polnareff said and hugged Avdol.
"Don't start assuming things." Avdol replied sounding smart and confident.
"Avdol is right.. (your name) is not in my interest. We're just friends, and that's how it will stay" Jotaro said calmly.


Her scent was surrounding him. It made him feel comfortable. She smelled really really good. Do her hands smell good as well?~
"Do you know where the Joestar manor is located? Because if not I can give you directions."
Her reply made Kira snap back to reality as he shook his head slightly and looked at her. "Sorry what?"

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