The man in the purple suit

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Go check out The Birthday Massacre... They are good :)
Presenting their album, Imagica (2016)

I almost dropped the phone.
I like (y/n), Jotaro.
An unforgivable anger welled up inside me.
(She's mine Josuke! Stay away from her!)
But I only thought of that.
"Jotaro? Are you there?" snapping back to reality I holded the phone next to my ear again and said a yes.
"well yeah.. I like her man, and I'm thinking of telling her how I feel soon." He laughed awkwardly through the phone. I gripped the side of the small table as I felt the wood splinter from the bottom of my hand. ".. Is that why you are bothering me? " There was a hint of anger and firmness in my voice. "O-oi Jotaro..are you o-" His voice was cut off when I slammed the phone down, ending the call.
(you're not okay)
I hated it when people asked me that question.
My (y/n) was in trouble.

You were humming the song "Great Days" under your breath as you made your way to the library. Turning your silver ring on your finger you sighed a bit. The words "phantom blood" were engraved on the ring Mr.Jonathan Joestar gave you. Suddenly you felt your phone vibrate on your sweater pocket and reached inside for it. After typing the password "Sunlight overdrive" you unlocked your phone and noticed a message.

From: Unknown

You're so cute (y/n).. Everytime in school, I can't help but notice your soft and smooth legs. What are you hiding under your skirt?~

With sudden shockness you threw your phone as it landed with a thud on the carpet floor. Who.. Who would send such a thing?! You tried convincing yourself it was just a stupid prank. But part of you was alarmed.

Jotaro sighed,droplets of sweat rolling down his forehead. After moaning out (y/n)'s name while stoiking and playing with his manhood he climaxed on one of the various photos he had of her. His semen all over the picture of her made him smile.

After calming yourself down and gaining your father's permission to go to the park you made your way there. The song "Killer Queen" could be only heard by you on your earphones. You hummed, again. It was very difficult for you to delete the message. It may have been erased, but not from your mind.
(what are you hiding under your skirt?~)

Shaking your head and forgetting about those thoughts you walked along the rocky sidewalk. The Park was rarely visited during school days and after it. It was really full in the summer though. With all this quietness and calmness you enjoyed the scent of the trees and flowers. "she's a killer Queen, gunpowder gelatine dynamite with a laser beam.. " You had a bad habit of closing your eyes everytime you got lost in the music, but you noticed something or someone brush you lightly on the shoulder. Opening your (color eyes) eyes you saw a man in a purple suit holding a lunch bag.

You stared at him walk by, obviously not aware of your presence, but shrugged it off and kept on walking the other way. With a gasp and a quiet 'oh' you reached inside your sweater pocket and took out a picture. Of Jotaro Kujo.

He's so cute!! You exclaimed inside your mind. Softly, you placed your lips on the picture. I wonder how Jotaro's lips taste like
You thought. Tracing the picture you smiled. Why do I find you so-


"-attractive. " The stripper spoke those words with a sickening lusty voice. Jotaro looked at her and sighed. "Whatever Bitch.." The woman just laughed at the words and she slowly and teasingly started taking whatever clothes she had left in front of him. Jotaro reached for his belt.



Your stomach grumbled. Ah dammit, I forgot to eat something while I was home.
Reaching inside your pocket you had some money left. Maybe I can get a treat to satisfy my hunger for now
You didn't want to leave the beautiful park but you had no choice. Heading the way back you came from, while on the way as you looked around you spotted the man in the purple suit. He was sitting down, resting against a tree as if though feeling peaceful.

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