Chapter Seven

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  • Dedicated to Amber Korpse

The next night, I pull up to her house to discover her sitting on the small porch. Her face lights up when she recognizes my car and she raises, waving hello. Smiling, I return the wave and get out of the dark vehicle. We meet each other halfway and hug each other tightly.

"Ready to dance?" I ask, my lips at her ear.

"I was born ready" she tries to conceal the slight shiver.

She either wants me as much as I need her, or she's just cold in the late autumn air. Either way, the shiver makes me wonder if she shakes the same way as she hits a climax. Mentally shaking myself, I step back and out of the embrace as I take a visual inventory of my female friend.

Her black hair is tied up in a high ponytail, the tips of her hair reaching to about her waist. Amber's blue eyes are lightly outlined with a purple eyeliner that's a little sparkly and her plump lips are done up in burgundy. The outfit she's wearing consists of a studded leather jacket over a black halter top, leather skinny jeans, and her boots are identical to the ones I wore when we filmed "Rebel Love Song". In her ears are tiny black roses and I have a partial view of her chest piece tattoo, a giant bat symbol without the yellow oval. With her hair pulled back, I see the small tattoo over her right eye that I never knew she had. In elegant script, the words "White Rabbit" were inked by her thin brow.

"Nice ink" I smirk.

Amber looks down at the ground, a small smile and blush forming. When she returns her dagger-like gaze to my own, I feel the FP trying to tear apart my expensive leather jeans. She takes a step towards me, her fingers on my chest.

"Something wrong with a princess having a little collection of tattoos?" she asks, her eyes peeking at me from beneath her long and thick lashes.

"N-no..." I stutter, trying to push the dirty thoughts out of my head.

"Well then, we should be off" she smirks, pecking my cheek.

This woman will be the death of me, and I love it.

I follow her to my own little Batmobile and open the door for her. Amber gives me a slight curtsy and a tiny smile before gliding into the car. Making my way to my own side, I let one or two pictures of our bodies colliding entertain my mind. Ashley and the guys would be doing wolf whistles if they could see what I pictured for only the briefest of seconds.

As I drive, Amber and I discuss Batman villains/villainesses. She's clearly in favor of Poison Ivy and I stand by my man, The Joker. We don't get into an argument or anything like I would've done with someone else, but we have a short mock fight. Her giggles and chuckles make me feel warm- and hard. My fingers clench to the wheel, concreting as best as I can so I don't end up killing the both of us. My company for the evening turns on the radio, looking pleasantly surprised when Guns N Roses fills the air. Her voice is soon added to the blend, and I can't help but smile.

We finally arrive at the club and her smile widens. Over the phone during lunchtime, she had informed me that she'd never been out dancing before and I silently writhed in excitement and joy. I get the honors of accompanying her for her first trip and I even get to have a valid reason to hold her against me. My FP cheers me on as I guide the princess to the door.

La Roux is different than most clubs in California. For starters, there's no line at all. You can just walk right in and enjoy yourself. Instead of a membership card or whatnot, we have to show them our tattoo. A drunken kola. Mine's dressed like me, because I'm cocky like that. I show the burly bouncer my ID and ink as Amber shows them her green card, revealing her age and the fact that she's an immigrant.

"What's the crown for?" he asks.

"The queen issued it to me" Amber replies.

Before the discussion can go much further, I grab hold of her wrist and tug her along. Showing her to the dance floor, I release her wrist and clasp onto her waist. Amber slowly folds her hands over my shoulders, a pink blush gathering over her face. We're going to start off slow dancing and then work our way up to actual club dancing. Over the course of the night, her smile returns and the blush is a thing of the past. She's a natural dancer and pretty soon, I'm struggling to keep up with her ADHD fueled dancing. My ADD is in wonder that one woman can have so much energy.

I feel her retract her hands from my arms as she moves to turn around. Amber dances, her back against my front. My hands hitch onto her hips and she trails her fingers down my neck. I pull her ass against me, molding us together. Being careful, I turn her back around to face me. Cupping her cheeks, I bring my face down to hers. Our eyes close and we give ourselves over to the feel.

Amber pulls away a hair's width, running her tongue over my bottom lip before giving me a deep kiss. I open my mouth to her and she does the same for me, our lips and tongues joined in a frantic dance for dominance. My hands tighten on her waist, pulling her against as she presses into me. I know she can feel my hardness through my pants, I know that she likes it, and I hope that she wants me as much as I need her.

She buries her fingers in my hair, tugging at it and pushing my face against hers with an impressive amount of force. My hands slide, gripping her ass and pushing her against me in the part of us that feels heated. A breathy moan erupts from her lips, sweetening and darkening the kiss. I run a hand up and down her side, tracing her body. Amber's moans and cries only serve to fuel my fire. Her own inner fire seems to feed off of mine as she lowers a hand to my chest, her nails resting by my nipple.

Oh fuck, mens' nipples can get hard too?

"Take me home, now" she demands.

My knees are almost weak with need. Quaking, I drag her through the crowd. Her skin feels warm against mine, even if it's just her delicate hand. We reach the car, hastily climbing inside and I roar the engine to life. I give myself a second to focus on the road, to focus on driving. Amber's breathing slows and relaxes as the car jumps, moving forward. Neither of us are over the high of each other, we just understand that dying in a car crash would really suck.

Arriving at her house, she practically rips the door apart to get out of my car. Normally, that would make me think poorly of a woman. But, I'm actually trying not to pull her back inside the damned thing and just fuck her brains out on the leather seats.

It dawns on me that she's standing halfway between the house and the car. Her eyes are locked on me, a look of insecurity enveloping them. She probably thinks I've changed my mind and that's why I'm still in the car.... Flinging open the door, I slam it closed and race up to her. Capturing her lips in a sinfully delicious kiss, I run my fingers through her hair. Smiling into me, Amber unleashes her Italian fury on my lips. My knees buckle as her mouth hungrily attacks mine, her hands pulling at my hair.

I step away, hooking her hand in mine as I start towards the house. Her breathy laugh makes the FP in my pants come back to life. The door opens easily as she pushes me against it, her mouth stealing every unsaid confession from mine. Amber is dominant, she is hungry, and I can't wait to feed her appetite. I know I'm playing with fire, and I will willingly set the world on fire.

Pushing her away an inch, I slide my hands under the leather jacket, pulling it down her lanky arms. It drops to the floor, exposing her halter top and tattoo in their fullest views. She looks good enough to eat. With a sly smile, I grab hold of her waist and swing us around, her back arching against the wood. My hands find her knees, bending them and pulling them to my hips. Her hands grip to my shoulders, fire in her eyes. Mockingly, I press my bulge against her and pepper kisses down her lean neck. I pull off her boots, playing with her toes as I free them from her socks.

"Stop teasing me!" she whimpers.

Making sure I have a firm hold on her, I lift her off the door and kick it shut. The sound of its slam echoes through the halls as I carry her to the bedroom, our mouths once more fighting to claim dominance. Honestly, it doesn't seem like either of us really win. That just makes it more enjoyable. Lowering her to the bed, I let her remove my jacket and I take off my shirt. Leaning down over her panting form, I kiss down her body.

"Let's get these off, shall we?" I whisper, hooking my thumb into her waistline.

With a sharp jerk, the pants come undone. I rub her and hear her cries as her back arches, hands clamped over her lips like she can push the noises back inside her. Smirking, I move back enough to allow me to pull the leather skinny jeans down her legs. Meeting her eyes, I glide her lacy black panties down as well.

I bring my mouth to her hidden lips, buried beneath her curls. She hisses, writhing about and trying to dislodge my tongue. Furious and horny, I push her legs apart and burrow deeper. Amber's moans fill my ears as her juices fill my mouth. After I've licked clean my lips, I lean back over her and capture her mouth with mine. Her hands shake as they undo my belt, pulling it free and tossing it to regions unknown.

Amber pulls away, the fire burning in her eyes.

"Fuck me, Biersack."

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